FTPd (File Transfer Protocol Daemon)


FTPd (File Transfer Protocol Daemon)

FTPd handles incoming requests to transfer files between other computers and your own. Many Internet nodes contain files that are generally available through anonymous FTP.

When an FTP transfer is requested, the program checks for a user ID and password, and the user’s access rights on the various server drives before forwarding the request to FTPd. FTP requires the services of the TCP protocol to move files. Do not select UDP in the Daemon Configuration dialog box for this service.

You can create an FTP configuration file that lets you set the timeout period and the banner display. Click for more information

You can also set the following parameters in the Optional Parameters box of the Daemon Configuration dialog box.

Optional Parameters

For Windows 98/Me

Use the following syntax to specify the password files to be used to validate access:

- p password_file

where password_file is the full path and file name of the password file you are using. By default, the password file is called password.hcl in the system directory:


where version is the version number of your Hummingbird product.

To create a password file, use InetD Admin. InetD Admin provides access to the password database that controls access to your PC from external users through passwords and user names. For more information, see the InetD Admin Help.

Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003

The following optional parameters are available for FTPd:




Limits FTP users to only read access on the listed drives


Limits FTP users to only write access on the listed drives


Limits FTP users to read/write access on the listed drives

The format for specifying drives is as follows:

-rwd:\ (limits FTP users to read/write access on the listed drive)

Related Topics

Maintaining System Security

Granting Anonymous FTP Access