File Converter Dialog Box

File Converter

File Converter Dialog Box

To access

The File Converter dialog box translates end-of-line character sequences between DOS and UNIX files. The dialog box lets you specify the input and output files of the conversion and the type of conversion to be done.

Files Area

Add FilesLets you select files to convert. Once selected, the files appear in the Input File column.

Output FileLets you select a file to overwrite with the converted file. Once selected, the updated information appears in the Output Folder and Output File Name columns.

In Place—For all selected files, uses the same path and file name for the output file as the original file.

Remove—Removes the selected files from the list.

Rename—Lets you rename the output file name.

Output Folder Area

Same As Input Folder—Forces the path in the Output Folder column at the top of the dialog box to be the same as for the original file. If you clear this check box, you can browse to an alternative path or select one from the drop-down list.

Conversion Type Area

DOS to UNIXConverts DOS files to UNIX files.

UNIX to DOS—Converts UNIX files to DOS files.

AutoDetermines whether the source file is DOS or UNIX and then performs the appropriate conversion.

Tip:  If you frequently use drag and drop to convert files, selecting Auto simplifies conversion—unless you only convert one way, such as from UNIX to DOS.

DOS to EBCDIC UNIX —Converts files using the ASCII character set to the EBCDIC character set. EBCDIC is an IBM code for representing characters as numbers; it is mostly used on large IBM computers. Most other computers, including PCs and Macintoshes, use ASCII codes.

EBCDIC UNIX to DOS—Converts files using the EBCDIC character set to the ASCII character set.

ConfigureOpens the Configuration dialog box.

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Introducing File Converter