d2u Command

File Converter

d2u Command


d2u [-bBuUlLfF] [[<]input_file] [[>]output_file]


Lines in DOS text files are terminated by a carriage-return/line-feed pair, while lines in UNIX text files are terminated by a single line feed. The d2u command lets you convert text files from DOS format to UNIX format.

The input_file and output_file arguments may optionally have a redirection symbol in front of them. The d2u command reads from standard input and writes to standard output, if there are no file arguments specified. The input_file specification is the file that is to be converted. The output_file specification is the name of the file that is to receive the converted file.

The size of the output_file can be smaller than the input_file, since each two-character sequence (<CR><LF>) of the input file is replaced by 1 character (<LF>) in the output file.



Binary—Allows for preservation of 8-bit character codes in the output file. If this option is not specified, then all 8-bit codes are converted to 7-bit codes.


Uppercase—Converts all alphabetic characters in the input file to upper case in the output file.


Lowercase—Converts all alphabetic characters in the input file to lower case in the output file.


Fudge—Causes d2u to leave any carriage-return characters in the input file alone. Usually carriage-return characters are removed in the conversion and carriage-return/line-feed pairs are changed into line-feed characters. This option preserves carriage-return characters in the output file.


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