Embedded SQL for C and SQL Server
Standard DB-Library Cursors
Embedded SQL for C (ESQL/C) programs use the SET SCROLLOPTION, SET CONCURRENCY, SET FETCHBUFFER, and SET CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT statements to control cursor options. All other standard cursor behavior is handled automatically by the ESQL/C library.
Standard cursors use the current database connection. Because standard cursors do not use separate database connections (as browse cursors do), many of the locking problems experienced with the use of browse cursors are avoided. Standard cursors also use the cursor functions of DB-Library and will take advantage automatically of any future performance enhancements made to DB-Library cursors.
Cursors and Stored Procedures
Microsoft cursors use catalog stored procedures, which include:
sp_databases | sp_indexes |
sp_tables | sp_fkeys |
sp_columns | sp_table_privileges |
sp_stored_procedures | sp_column_privileges |
sp_sproc_columns | sp_server_info |
sp_pkeys |