Installing Embedded SQL for C

Embedded SQL for C and SQL Server

Embedded SQL for C and SQL Server

Installing Embedded SQL for C

SQL Server Setup installs these groups of files.

Directory File Description
\Mssql7\Binn Nsqlprep.exe 32-bit precompiler for Microsoft® Windows NT® 4.0, Microsoft Windows® 95, and Windows 98
Sqlaiw32.dll Precompiler services for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, and Windows 98
Sqlakw32.dll Run-time services for Windows NT 4.0,  Windows 95, and Windows 98
\Mssql7\DevTools\Include Sqlca.h SQLCA header
  Sqlda.h SQLDA header
\Mssql7\DevTools\Lib Caw32.lib SQLCA library for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, and Windows 98
Sqlakw32.lib Run-time services import library for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, and Windows 98
\Mssql7\DevTools\Samples\Esqlc *.* C samples
\Mssql7\DevTools\Lib Ntwdblib.lib DB-Library used for communicating with SQL Server. This is part of DB-Library development tools.