ec2-confirm-product-instance product_code -i instance_id
Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified product code is attached to the specified instance. If it is attached, It returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
This command can only be executed by the AMI owner. This is useful when an AMI owner is providing support and wants to verify whether a user's instance is eligible.
Instance identifier that was generated when the instance launched.
Example: i-10a64379
The product code.
Example: 774F4FF8
Amazon EC2 returns a table that contains the following information:
Product code.
Instance ID.
Boolean indicating if the product code is attached to the instance.
The instance owner's account ID (if the product code is attached).
Amazon EC2 displays errors on stderr.
This example confirms whether the 774F4FF8 product code is attached to the i-10a64379 instance.
$ ec2-confirm-product-instance 774F4FF8 -i i-10a64379 774F4FF8 i-10a64379 true
774F4FF8 i-10a64379 true
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