


Graphs window

Graphs Context menu(right-click)

Datalogging Graphs:
- Template: Select the template you want to use
- Show data at cursor: This will show the data from the plots at the current cursor.
- Zoom In: This will zoom in the datalog
- Zoom out: This will zoom out if the datalog is zoomed in
- Zoom full: this will show the complete datalog
- Set Marker: This will put a cursor marker with data where the mouse is. We scrolling through the log file you can see where you put flags(markers)
- Clear all markers: This will remove all the markers currently set.
- Set plot start: This will set the plot start frame(time)
- Set plot end: This will set the plot end frame(time)
                      Note: If a datalog is fully ploted you can zoom in on a piece of the log with plot start and plot end

Example Dyno Run:

Full datalog

Used plot start at the beginning of the run
Used plot end at the end of the run

Datalogging Graphs Information:

1: Plotted graph start time
2: Plotted graph end time
3: Cursor time

Graph Shortcuts:
Left/Right:              Scroll through log file
Ctrl + Left:             Move datalog cursor left(small step)
Ctrl + Right:           Move datalog cursor right(small step)
Ctrl + Shift + Left:   Move datalog cursor left(large step)
Ctrl + Shift + Right: Move datalog cursor right(large step)
Ctrl + Shift + Up:    Zoom in
Ctrl + Shift + Down: Zoom out