Graphs window
Graphs Context
Datalogging Graphs:
Select the template you want to use
- Show data
at cursor: This will show the data from the plots at the current cursor.
- Zoom
In: This will zoom in the datalog
- Zoom out: This will zoom out if the datalog
is zoomed in
- Zoom full: this will show the complete datalog
- Set Marker:
This will put a cursor marker with data where the mouse is. We scrolling through
the log file you can see where you put flags(markers)
- Clear all markers: This
will remove all the markers currently set.
- Set plot start: This will set the
plot start frame(time)
Set plot end: This will set the plot end
Note: If a datalog is fully ploted you can zoom in on a piece of
the log with plot start and plot end
Example Dyno
Full datalog
Used plot start at the beginning of the
Used plot end at the end of the run
Datalogging Graphs
1: Plotted graph
start time
2: Plotted graph end time
3: Cursor
Scroll through log file
Ctrl +
Left: Move
datalog cursor left(small step)
Ctrl +
Right: Move
datalog cursor right(small step)
Ctrl + Shift + Left: Move
datalog cursor left(large step)
Ctrl + Shift + Right: Move datalog cursor
right(large step)
Ctrl + Shift + Up: Zoom in
Ctrl +
Shift + Down: Zoom out