Specify Query Criteria
Use this dialog box to specify whether a WHERE clause is used to filter out rows of data. If you want to use filtering, use a combination of the Column, Oper, and Value/Column fields to write the predicate. If more than three conditions are necessary, type in the additional criteria in the Type SQL Statement dialog box that is displayed when you click Next, or click Back to return to the previous dialog box and type the SQL statement directly.
If you enter multiple conditions that are combined with different logical operators (AND, OR), the rules of precedence defined for that database management system (DBMS) apply. In most DBMS installations, the AND condition is evaluated first.
All rows
Select all rows from the source without constraint. No WHERE clause will be appended to the SQL statement.
Only Rows meeting criteria
Enable the Column, Oper, and Value/Column fields so that the following selection criteria can be defined:
- Column
- Choose the column to which the constraint will apply.
- Oper
- Choose the relationship operator to apply in the comparison. Available values are =, <, >, <>, <=, >=.
- Value/Column
- Select the other value or column to which the field in the Column list is compared. Click the browse (...) button to list the values stored in the table for the column shown in the Column list. The value selected from the list becomes the comparison value.