Data Driven Query Task Properties (Options Tab)
Use this tab to send rows to an exception file, determine the format of that file, and set the error count at which package execution should cease. The exception files are stored on a local or mapped drive.
Exception file area
Specify the path and name of the file where exception records will be written. If the file does not exist at package run time, the file will be created. The file does not have a default extension assigned to it.
Click the browse (...) button to search the local computer or mapped drives for an existing exception file. If an existing exception file is used, the status and error information for the package will be appended.
File type area
7.0 format
Select to save the exception file in 7.0 format. This format is useful if an exception file parser was written for Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0 exception files, as exception files using this backward-compatible format can still be used in the parser.
Error text
Specify that any errors encountered during the task execution be recorded. Selecting this option records information such as the Data Transformation Services (DTS) package name, execution start and completion time, and other data in the exception log.
Source error rows
Specify that a separate exception file be created to contain all the rows from the source data that did not get written to the binding table. Formatting of the file is done according to the File format properties specified. The file name will be the same as the name specified in the Name field with the extension .Source appended to the name, and the file will be located in the same directory as the exception file.
Dest error rows
Create a separate exception file to record error information on rows that fail when attempting to write to the destination. The file name will be the same as the name specified in the Name field with the extension .Dest appended to the name, and the file will be located in the same directory as the exception file.
File format area
Row delimiter
Select the delimiter used to separate rows of data in the exception file. A carriage return/line feed {CR}{LF} is used by default.
Column delimiter
Select the delimiter used to separate the columns of data in the exception file. A vertical bar is used by default.
Text qualifier
Specify which character marks are to be used in the delimited data file to qualify text. Choose from: Double Quote {"}; Single Quote {'}; and <none>. You also can type in a character to use as the text qualifier.
Data movement area
Max error count
Set a limit on the number of errors allowed before processing is terminated for the task. When the Max error count value is exceeded, task execution is terminated. The default is zero, which means that the task will terminate upon the first error.
Fetch buffer size
Set the number of rows of data being fetched at the source during data movement. Generally, you should not need to adjust this value unless it is necessary to optimize the characteristics of the data provider.
First row
Specify the first row of data to be moved. This is useful if the first row consists of column headings, or, if the first part of a data source has been copied, you can set this value to the row number where processing stopped in an earlier data pump operation.
Last row
Specify the last row of data to move.