Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2000

SQL Server Architecture

SQL Server Architecture

Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2000

This topic summarizes the features that the different editions of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 support.

For more information about the amount of physical memory SQL Server 2000 can address, and the number of CPUs each edition supports in symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) computers, see Maximum Capacity Specifications.

Database Engine Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2000

This table shows the database engine features and the editions of SQL Server 2000 that support them.

Database Engine Feature
Enterprise Edition

Standard Edition

Personal Edition

Developer Edition

Desktop Engine

SQL Server CE
Enterprise Evaluation Edition
Multiple Instance Support Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A Supported
Failover Clustering (up to four nodes) Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Failover Support in SQL Server Enterprise Manager Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Log Shipping Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Parallel DBCC Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Parallel CREATE INDEX Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Enhanced Read-ahead and Scan Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Indexed Views Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Federated Database Server Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
System Area Network (SAN) Support Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Graphical DBA and Developer Utilities, Wizards Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A N/A Supported
Graphical Utilities Support for Language Settings Supported N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Full-Text Search Supported Supported Supported (except on Windows 98) Supported N/A N/A Supported

Replication Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2000

This table shows the replication features and the editions of SQL Server 2000 that support them.

Replication Publisher Feature

Enterprise Edition

Standard Edition

Personal Edition

Developer Edition

Desktop Engine

SQL Server CE
Enterprise Evaluation Edition
Snapshot Replication Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A Supported
Transactional Replication Supported Supported Subscriber only Supported Subscriber only N/A Supported
Merge Replication Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Anonymous Subscriber only Supported
Immediate Updating Subscriptions Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A Supported
Queued Updating Subscribers Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A Supported

Analysis Services Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2000

This table shows the Analysis Services features and the editions of SQL Server 2000 that support them.

Analysis Services Feature

Enterprise Edition

Standard Edition

Personal Edition

Developer Edition

Desktop Engine

SQL Server CE
Enterprise Evaluation Edition
Analysis Services Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A N/A Supported
User-defined OLAP Partitions Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Partition Wizard Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Linked OLAP Cubes Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
ROLAP Dimension Support Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
HTTP Internet Support Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Custom Rollups Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A N/A Supported
Calculated Cells Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Writeback to Dimensions Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Very Large Dimension Support Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Actions Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A N/A Supported
Real-time OLAP Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Distributed Partitioned Cubes Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Data Mining Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A N/A Supported

Data Transformation and Decision Support Query Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2000

This table shows the data transformation and decision support query features and the editions of SQL Server 2000 that support them.

Analysis Services Feature

Enterprise Edition

Standard Edition

Personal Edition

Developer Edition

Desktop Engine

SQL Server CE
Enterprise Evaluation Edition
Data Transformation Services Supported Supported Supported Supported Deployment only N/A Supported
Integrated Data Mining Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A N/A Supported
English Query Supported Supported Supported Supported N/A N/A Supported