
WorldTime 2003 1.0


A location is a physical town or city. Each location needs details such as its country, latitude and longitude, its offset from GMT, and its daylight savings rules. These locations are not directly displayed. The Display list is responsible for displaying items on the desktop ( see Display List ) Display Items derive their time and positional information from this locations database. 

Editing locations is performed by choosing Edit Locations database from the main window, and choosing the appropriate action.

To Add a new location

Choose Edit Locations Database from the main window and choose Add.

To edit a Location

Choose Edit Locations database  from the main window, select the location to edit and choose Properties, or double click the location to edit it. If you have a display item which uses a location and you delete that location, then that item will automatically be removed from the display list as well.

To Delete a location

Choose Edit Locations Database from the main window, select the location to remove and choose Remove. Note: You should normally never delete a location from the locations database, but is included for freedom of customization.