Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.File Namespace

Windows Runtime Azure Storage Client Library


Class Description
CloudFile Represents a Windows Azure File.
CloudFileClient Provides a client-side logical representation of the Windows Azure File service. This client is used to configure and execute requests against the File service.
CloudFileDirectory Represents a directory of files, designated by a delimiter character.
CloudFileShare Represents a share in the Windows Azure File service.
FileContinuationToken Represents a continuation token for listing operations.
FileDirectoryProperties Represents the system properties for a directory.
FileProperties Represents the system properties for a file.
FileRange Represents a range in a file.
FileRequestOptions Represents a set of timeout and retry policy options that may be specified for a request against the File service.
FileResultSegment Represents a segment of IListFileItem results, with continuation information for pagination scenarios.
FileShareProperties Represents the system properties for a share.
ShareResultSegment Represents a segment of CloudFileShare results and contains continuation and pagination information.


Interface Description
IListFileItem Represents an item that may be returned by a file listing operation.


Enumeration Description
ShareListingDetails Specifies which details to include when listing the shares in this storage account.