BlobProperties Properties

Windows Runtime Azure Storage Client Library

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property BlobType Gets the type of the blob.
public property CacheControl Gets or sets the cache-control value stored for the blob.
public property ContentDisposition Gets or sets the content-disposition value stored for the blob.
public property ContentEncoding Gets or sets the content-encoding value stored for the blob.
public property ContentLanguage Gets or sets the content-language value stored for the blob.
public property ContentMD5 Gets or sets the content-MD5 value stored for the blob.
public property ContentType Gets or sets the content-type value stored for the blob.
public property ETag Gets the blob's ETag value.
public property LastModified Gets the the last-modified time for the blob, expressed as a UTC value.
public property LeaseDuration Gets the blob's lease duration.
public property LeaseState Gets the blob's lease state.
public property LeaseStatus Gets the blob's lease status.
public property Length Gets the size of the blob, in bytes.
public property PageBlobSequenceNumber If the blob is a page blob, gets the blob's current sequence number.

See Also