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WinHex & X-Ways

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Simultaneous Search


Export Word List: Available once an index has been created. Allows to save a list of all the word in the index to a text file. In that list, each word that occurs in the files that were indexed will be present, and only contained once. Useful for a customized dictionary attack.


Find Text: This command is used to search for a specified string of up to 100 ASCII characters in the current file, disk or RAM section (cf. Search Options). Only supports those Unicode characters that are in the 0x00...0xFF range. For a more powerful search variant try Simultaneous Search.


Find Hex Values: This command is used to search for a sequence of up to 100 two-character hex values (cf. Search Options).


Replace Text: Use this command to replace occurrences of a specified string with another string (each of up to 100 ASCII characters), cf. Replace Options. Only supports those Unicode characters that are in the 0x00...0xFF range.


Replace Hex Values: Functions exactly as the Replace Text command, but is applied to a sequence of hex values (100 at most), cf. Replace Options.


Combined Search: Provides a complex search mechanism. In the current and in a second file a common offset is searched, where either file contains the specified respective hex values.


Integer Value: Enter an integer (within the limits of the signed 64-bit integer data type). This function searches data in the current file, which can be interpreted as this integer.


Floating-Point Value: Enter a floating-point number (e. g. 12.34 = 0.1234 * 10^2 = 0.1234E2) and select a floating-point data type. This function searches data in the current file, which can be interpreted as this floating-point value.


Text Passages: Use this command to look for a sequence of letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9) and/or punctuation marks. It is useful for instance if you intend to translate text passages hidden somewhere in a file with executable code.

Set the sensitivity of the search by specifying how long a character sequence must be to be recognized. Click "Tolerate Unicode characters" in order to force the algorithm to accept zero bytes between two characters.


Continue Global Search: This command is used to continue a global search operation (i.e. a search operation applied to all opened files) in the next file.


Continue Search: Lets you continue a search operation in the current file at the current position.