
WinHex & X-Ways

Replace Options


Prompt when found: WinHex awaits your deecision when an occurrence has been found. You may either replace it, continue or abort the search.


Replace all occurrences: All occurrences are replaced automatically.


Case sensitive: The characters that are to be replaced are searched using this option (cf. Search Options).


Unicode character set: The specified characters are searched and replaced in Unicode format (cf. Search Options).


You may specify one character/a two-digit hex value as a wildcard (cf. Search Options). This is usually done in the search string.

If the substitute contains a wildcard, the character at the relative position in an occurrence will not be changed. Thus, "black" and "block" can be replaced simultaneously with "crack" and "crock" (enter "bl?ck" and "cr?ck").


Only whole words: The searched string is recognized only if it is separated from other words e. g. by punctuation marks or blanks. If this option is enabled, "tomato" is not replaced in "automaton".


Search direction: Decide whether WinHex shall replace from the beginning to the end, or downwards or upwards from the current position.

  Replace in block only: The replace operation is limited to the current block.


Replace in all opened files: The replace operation is applied to all files not opened in view mode. If "Replace in block only" is enabled at the same time, the replace operation is limited to the current block of each file.



WinHex is able to replace one string or hex value sequence with another one that has a different length. You will be prompted, which of the following methods shall be applied:


1st method: The data behind the occurrence is moved due to length difference. So the file size is changed. This method must not be applied to certain file types, such as executable files. It is even possible to specify nothing as the substitute, which means all occurrences will be removed from the file!


2nd method: The substitute is written into the file at the position of the occurrence. If the substitute is shorter than the searched character sequence, the exceeding characters will remain in the file. Otherwise even the bytes behind the occurrence will be overwritten (as far as the end of the file is not reached). The file size is not affected.


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