Binary Element

Windows Installer XML

Binary Element

Binary data used for CustomAction elements and UI controls.
Windows Installer references
Binary Table
Control, Fragment, Module, Product, UI
Inner Text
Choice of elements (min: 0, max: unbounded)
  • Any Element (namespace='##other' processContents='Lax') Extensibility point in the WiX XML Schema. Schema extensions can register additional elements at this point in the schema.
Name Type Description Required
Id String The Id cannot by longer than 55 characters. In order to prevent errors in cases where the Id is modularized, it should not be longer than 18 characters. Yes
SourceFile String Path to the binary file.  
src String This attribute has been deprecated; please use the SourceFile attribute instead.  
SuppressModularization YesNoType Use to suppress modularization of this Binary identifier in merge modules.  
Any Attribute (namespace='##other' processContents='lax') Extensibility point in the WiX XML Schema. Schema extensions can register additional attributes at this point in the schema.
See Also
Wix Schema