How To: Get the parent directory of a file search

Windows Installer XML

How To: Get the parent directory of a file search

You can set a property to the parent directory of a file.

Step 1: Define the search root

In the following example, the path to [WindowsFolder]Microsoft.NET is defined as the root of the search. If you do not define a search root, Windows Installer will search all fixed drives up to the depth specified.

<Property Id="NGEN2DIR">
    <DirectorySearch Id="Windows" Path="[WindowsFolder]">
        <DirectorySearch Id="MS.NET" Path="Microsoft.NET">

Step 2: Define the parent directory to find

Under the search root, define the directory you want returned and set the DirectorySearch/@AssignToProperty attribute to 'yes'. You must then define the file you want to find using a unique FileSearch/@Id attribute value.

<Property Id="NGEN2DIR">
    <DirectorySearch Id="Windows" Path="[WindowsFolder]">
        <DirectorySearch Id="MS.NET" Path="Microsoft.NET">
            <DirectorySearch Id="Ngen2Dir" Depth="2" AssignToProperty="yes">
                <FileSearch Id="Ngen_exe" Name="ngen.exe" MinVersion="" />

In this example, if ngen.exe is newer than version and is found no more than two directories under [WindowsFolder]Microsoft.NET its parent directory is returned in the NGEN2DIR property.