HeatDirectory Task
The HeatDirectory task wraps heat.exe, the WiX harvester, using the dir harvesting type. Authoring is generated for type libraries and self-registration from DllRegisterServer for any files found in directories. It supports a variety of settings that are described in more detail below. To control these settings in your .wixproj file, you can create a PropertyGroup and specify the settings that you want to use for your build process. The following is a sample PropertyGroup that contains settings that will be used by the HeatDirectory task:
<HeatDirectory NoLogo="$(HarvestDirectoryNoLogo)" SuppressAllWarnings="$(HarvestDirectorySuppressAllWarnings)" SuppressSpecificWarnings="$(HarvestDirectorySuppressSpecificWarnings)" ToolPath="$(WixToolPath)" TreatWarningsAsErrors="$(HarvestDirectoryTreatWarningsAsErrors)" TreatSpecificWarningsAsErrors="$(HarvestDirectoryTreatSpecificWarningsAsErrors)" VerboseOutput="$(HarvestDirectoryVerboseOutput)" AutogenerateGuids="$(HarvestDirectoryAutogenerateGuids)" GenerateGuidsNow="$(HarvestDirectoryGenerateGuidsNow)" OutputFile="$(IntermediateOutputPath)_%(HarvestDirectory.Filename)_dir.wxs" SuppressFragments="$(HarvestDirectorySuppressFragments)" SuppressUniqueIds="$(HarvestDirectorySuppressUniqueIds)" Transforms="%(HarvestDirectory.Transforms)" Directory="@(HarvestDirectory)" ComponentGroupName="%(HarvestDirectory.ComponentGroupName)" DirectoryRefId="%(HarvestDirectory.DirectoryRefId)" KeepEmptyDirectories="%(HarvestDirectory.KeepEmptyDirectories)" PreprocessorVariable="%(HarvestDirectory.PreprocessorVariable)" SuppressCom="%(HarvestDirectory.SuppressCom)" SuppressRootDirectory="%(HarvestDirectory.SuppressRootDirectory)" SuppressRegistry="%(HarvestDirectory.SuppressRegistry)" />
The following table describes the common WiX MSBuild parameters that are applicable to the HeatDirectory task.
Parameter | Description |
NoLogo |
Optional boolean parameter. Specifies that the tool logo should be suppressed. The default is false. This is equivalent to the -nologo switch. |
SuppressAllWarnings |
Optional boolean parameter. Specifies that all warnings should be suppressed. The default is false. This is equivalent to the -sw switch. |
SuppressSpecificWarnings |
Optional string parameter. Specifies that certain warnings should be suppressed. This is equivalent to the -sw[N] switch. |
TreatSpecificWarningsAsErrors |
Optional string parameter. Specifies that certain warnings should be treated as errors. This is equivalent to the -wx[N] switch. |
TreatWarningsAsErrors |
Optional boolean parameter. Specifies that all warnings should be treated as errors. The default is false. This is equivalent to the -wx switch. |
VerboseOutput |
Optional boolean parameter. Specifies that the tool should provide verbose output. The default is false. This is equivalent to the -v switch. |
The following table describes the parameters that are common to all heat tasks that are applicable to the HeatDirectory task.
Parameter | Description |
AutogenerateGuids |
Optional boolean parameter. Whether to generate authoring that relies on auto-generation of component GUIDs. The default is $(HarvestAutogenerateGuids) if specified; otherwise, true. |
GenerateGuidsNow |
Optional boolean parameter. Whether to generate authoring that generates durable GUIDs when harvesting. The default is $(HarvestGenerateGuidsNow) if specified; otherwise, false. |
OutputFile |
Required item parameter. Specifies the output file that contains the generated authoring. |
SuppressFragments |
Optional boolean parameter. Whether to suppress generation of separate fragments when harvesting. The default is $(HarvestSuppressFragments) if specified; otherwise, true. |
SuppressUniqueIds |
Optional boolean parameter. Whether to suppress generation of unique component IDs. The default is $(HarvestSuppressUniqueIds) if specified; otherwise, false. |
Transforms |
Optional string parameter. XSL transforms to apply to all generated WiX authoring. Separate multiple transforms with semicolons. The default is $(HarvestTransforms) if specified. |
The following table describes the parameters that are specific to the HeatDirectory task.
Parameter | Description |
Directory |
Required item group parameter. The list of directories to harvest. |
ComponentGroupName |
Optional string parameter. The name of the ComponentGroup to create for all the generated authoring. |
DirectoryRefId |
Optional string parameter. The ID of the directory to reference instead of TARGETDIR. |
KeepEmptyDirectories |
Optional boolean parameter. Whether to create Directory entries for empty directories. |
PreprocessorVariable |
Optional string parameter. Substitute SourceDir for another variable name (ex: var.Dir). |
SuppressCom |
Optional boolean parameter. Suppress generation of COM registry elements. The default is false. |
SuppressRegistry |
Optional boolean parameter. Suppress generation of a Directory element for the parent directory of the file. The default is false. |
SuppressRootDirectory |
Optional boolean parameter. Suppress generation of any registry elements. The default is false. |