Verb Element

Windows Installer XML (WiX) v3.0

Verb Element

Verb definition for an Extension. When advertised, this element creates a row in the Verb table. When not advertised, this element creates the appropriate rows in Registry table.
Windows Installer references
Verb Table, Registry Table
Inner Text
Name Type Description Required
Id String The verb for the command. Yes
Argument String Value for the command arguments. Note that the resolution of properties in the Argument field is limited. A property formatted as [Property] in this field can only be resolved if the property already has the intended value when the component owning the verb is installed. For example, for the argument "[#MyDoc.doc]" to resolve to the correct value, the same process must be installing the file MyDoc.doc and the component that owns the verb.  
Command String The localized text displayed on the context menu.  
Sequence Integer The sequence of the commands. Only verbs for which the Sequence is specified are used to prepare an ordered list for the default value of the shell key. The Verb with the lowest value in this column becomes the default verb. Used only for Advertised verbs.  
Target String This attribute has been deprecated; please use the TargetFile attribute instead.  
TargetFile String Either this attribute or the TargetProperty attribute must be specified for a non-advertised verb. The value should be the identifier of the target file to be executed for the verb.  
TargetProperty String Either this attribute or the TargetFile attribute must be specified for a non-advertised verb. The value should be the identifier of the property which will resolve to the path to the target file to be executed for the verb.  
See Also
Wix Schema