InstallExecuteSequence Element

Windows Installer XML (WiX) v3.0

InstallExecuteSequence Element

Windows Installer references
InstallExecuteSequence Table
Fragment, Module, Product
Inner Text
Choice of elements (min: 0, max: unbounded)
  • AllocateRegistrySpace (min: 0, max: unbounded): Ensures the needed amount of space exists in the registry.
  • AppSearch (min: 0, max: unbounded): Uses file signatures to search for existing versions of products.
  • BindImage (min: 0, max: unbounded): Binds each executable or DLL that must be bound to the DLLs imported by it.
  • CCPSearch (min: 0, max: unbounded): Uses file signatures to validate that qualifying products are installed on a system before an upgrade installation is performed.
  • CostFinalize (min: 0, max: unbounded): Ends the internal installation costing process begun by the CostInitialize action.
  • CostInitialize (min: 0, max: unbounded): Initiates the internal installation costing process.
  • CreateFolders (min: 0, max: unbounded): Creates empty folders for components that are set to be installed.
  • CreateShortcuts (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the creation of shortcuts.
  • Custom (min: 0, max: unbounded): Use to sequence a custom action.
  • DeleteServices (min: 0, max: unbounded): Stops a service and removes its registration from the system.
  • DisableRollback (min: 0, max: unbounded): Disables rollback for the remainder of the installation.
  • DuplicateFiles (min: 0, max: unbounded): Duplicates files installed by the InstallFiles action.
  • FileCost (min: 0, max: unbounded): Initiates dynamic costing of standard installation actions.
  • FindRelatedProducts (min: 0, max: unbounded): Runs through each record of the Upgrade table in sequence and compares the upgrade code, product version, and language in each row to products installed on the system.
  • ForceReboot (min: 0, max: unbounded): Prompts the user for a restart of the system during the installation. Not fixed sequence.
  • InstallExecute (min: 0, max: unbounded): Runs a script containing all operations spooled since either the start of the installation or the last InstallExecute action, or InstallExecuteAgain action.
  • InstallExecuteAgain (min: 0, max: unbounded): Runs a script containing all operations spooled since either the start of the installation or the last InstallExecute action, or InstallExecuteAgain action.
  • InstallFiles (min: 0, max: unbounded): Copies files specified in the File table from the source directory to the destination directory.
  • InstallFinalize (min: 0, max: unbounded): Marks the end of a sequence of actions that change the system.
  • InstallInitialize (min: 0, max: unbounded): Marks the beginning of a sequence of actions that change the system.
  • InstallODBC (min: 0, max: unbounded): Installs the drivers, translators, and data sources in the ODBCDriver table, ODBCTranslator table, and ODBCDataSource table.
  • InstallServices (min: 0, max: unbounded): Registers a service for the system.
  • InstallValidate (min: 0, max: unbounded): Verifies that all costed volumes have enough space for the installation.
  • IsolateComponents (min: 0, max: unbounded): Installs a copy of a component (commonly a shared DLL) into a private location for use by a specific application (typically an .exe).
  • LaunchConditions (min: 0, max: unbounded): Queries the LaunchCondition table and evaluates each conditional statement recorded there.
  • MigrateFeatureStates (min: 0, max: unbounded): Used for upgrading or installing over an existing application.
  • MoveFiles (min: 0, max: unbounded): Locates existing files on the system and moves or copies those files to a new location.
  • MsiPublishAssemblies (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the advertisement of CLR and Win32 assemblies.
  • MsiUnpublishAssemblies (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the unadvertisement of CLR and Win32 assemblies that are being removed.
  • PatchFiles (min: 0, max: unbounded): Queries the Patch table to determine which patches are to be applied.
  • ProcessComponents (min: 0, max: unbounded): Registers and unregisters components, their key paths, and the component clients.
  • PublishComponents (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the advertisement of the components from the PublishComponent table.
  • PublishFeatures (min: 0, max: unbounded): Writes each feature's state into the system registry.
  • PublishProduct (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the advertisement of the product information with the system.
  • RegisterClassInfo (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the registration of COM class information with the system.
  • RegisterComPlus (min: 0, max: unbounded): Registers COM+ applications.
  • RegisterExtensionInfo (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the registration of extension related information with the system.
  • RegisterFonts (min: 0, max: unbounded): Registers installed fonts with the system.
  • RegisterMIMEInfo (min: 0, max: unbounded): Registers MIME-related registry information with the system.
  • RegisterProduct (min: 0, max: unbounded): Registers the product information with the installer.
  • RegisterProgIdInfo (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the registration of OLE ProgId information with the system.
  • RegisterTypeLibraries (min: 0, max: unbounded): Registers type libraries with the system.
  • RegisterUser (min: 0, max: unbounded): Registers the user information with the installer to identify the user of a product.
  • RemoveDuplicateFiles (min: 0, max: unbounded): Deletes files installed by the DuplicateFiles action.
  • RemoveEnvironmentStrings (min: 0, max: unbounded): Modifies the values of environment variables.
  • RemoveExistingProducts (min: 0, max: unbounded): Goes through the product codes listed in the ActionProperty column of the Upgrade table and removes the products in sequence.
  • RemoveFiles (min: 0, max: unbounded): Removes files previously installed by the InstallFiles action.
  • RemoveFolders (min: 0, max: unbounded): Removes any folders linked to components set to be removed or run from source.
  • RemoveIniValues (min: 0, max: unbounded): Removes .ini file information specified for removal in the RemoveIniFile table if the component is set to be installed locally or run from source.
  • RemoveODBC (min: 0, max: unbounded): Removes the data sources, translators, and drivers listed for removal during the installation.
  • RemoveRegistryValues (min: 0, max: unbounded): Removes a registry value that has been authored into the registry table if the associated component was installed locally or as run from source, and is now set to be uninstalled.
  • RemoveShortcuts (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the removal of an advertised shortcut whose feature is selected for uninstallation or a nonadvertised shortcut whose component is selected for uninstallation.
  • ResolveSource (min: 0, max: unbounded): Determines the location of the source and sets the SourceDir property if the source has not been resolved yet. Not fixed sequence.
  • RMCCPSearch (min: 0, max: unbounded): Uses file signatures to validate that qualifying products are installed on a system before an upgrade installation is performed.
  • ScheduleReboot (min: 0, max: unbounded): Prompts the user to restart the system at the end of installation. Not fixed sequence.
  • SelfRegModules (min: 0, max: unbounded): Processes all modules listed in the SelfReg table and registers all installed modules with the system.
  • SelfUnregModules (min: 0, max: unbounded): Unregisters all modules listed in the SelfReg table that are scheduled to be uninstalled.
  • SetODBCFolders (min: 0, max: unbounded): Checks for existing ODBC drivers and sets the target directory for each new driver to the location of an existing driver.
  • StartServices (min: 0, max: unbounded): Starts system services.
  • StopServices (min: 0, max: unbounded): Stops system services.
  • UnpublishComponents (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the unadvertisement of components listed in the PublishComponent table.
  • UnpublishFeatures (min: 0, max: unbounded): Removes selection-state and feature-component mapping information from the registry.
  • UnregisterClassInfo (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the removal of COM class information from the system registry.
  • UnregisterComPlus (min: 0, max: unbounded): Removes COM+ applications from the registry.
  • UnregisterExtensionInfo (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the removal of extension-related information from the system registry.
  • UnregisterFonts (min: 0, max: unbounded): Removes registration information about installed fonts from the system.
  • UnregisterMIMEInfo (min: 0, max: unbounded): Unregisters MIME-related registry information from the system.
  • UnregisterProgIdInfo (min: 0, max: unbounded): Manages the unregistration of OLE ProgId information with the system.
  • UnregisterTypeLibraries (min: 0, max: unbounded): Unregisters type libraries from the system.
  • ValidateProductID (min: 0, max: unbounded): Sets the ProductID property to the full product identifier.
  • WriteEnvironmentStrings (min: 0, max: unbounded): Modifies the values of environment variables.
  • WriteIniValues (min: 0, max: unbounded): Writes the .ini file information that the application needs written to its .ini files.
  • WriteRegistryValues (min: 0, max: unbounded): Sets up an application's registry information.
See Also
Wix Schema