Now look at the code for the gp:calculate-Draw-TileRow function:
(defun gp:calculate-Draw-TileRow (startPoint TileRadius
TileSpace pathWidth pathAngle offsetFromCenter
ObjectCreationStyle / HalfWidth TileDiameter
ObjectCreationFunction angp90 angm90
firstCenterPt TileCenterPt TileList)
(setq HalfWidth (- (/ pathWidth 2.00) TileRadius)
Tilespacing (+ (* TileRadius 2.0) TileSpace)
TileDiameter (* TileRadius 2.0)
angp90 (+ PathAngle (Degrees->Radians 90))
angm90 (- PathAngle (Degrees->Radians 90))
firstCenterPt (polar startPoint angp90 offsetFromCenter)
tileCenterPt firstCenterPt
ObjectCreationStyle(strcase ObjectCreationStyle)
((equal ObjectCreationStyle "ACTIVEX")
((equal ObjectCreationStyle "ENTMAKE")
((equal ObjectCreationStyle "COMMAND")
(alert (strcat "ObjectCreationStyle in function
"\nis invalid. Contact developer for assistance."
"\n ObjectCreationStyle set to ACTIVEX"
setq ObjectCreationStyle "ACTIVEX")
;; Draw the circles to the left of the center.
(while (< (distance startPoint tileCenterPt) HalfWidth)
;; Add each tile to the list to return.
(setq tileList
(ObjectCreationFunction tileCenterPt TileRadius)
;; Calculate the center point for the next tile.
(setq tileCenterPt
(polar tileCenterPt angp90 TileSpacing)
);_ end of while
;; Draw the circles to the right of the center.
(setq tileCenterPt
(polar firstCenterPt angm90 TileSpacing))
(while (< (distance startPoint tileCenterPt) HalfWidth)
;; Add each tile to the list to return.
(setq tileList
(ObjectCreationFunction tileCenterPt TileRadius)
;; Calculate the center point for the next tile.
(setq tileCenterPt (polar tileCenterPt angm90 TileSpacing))
);_ end of while
;; Return the list of tiles.
) ;_ end of defun
The AutoLISP code logic follows the pseudo-code, with the following addition:
(setq ObjectCreationFunction
((equal ObjectCreationStyle "ACTIVEX")
((equal ObjectCreationStyle "ENTMAKE")
((equal ObjectCreationStyle "COMMAND")
"ObjectCreationStyle in function gp:calculate-Draw-TileRow"
"\nis invalid. Contact the developer for assistance."
"\n ObjectCreationStyle set to ACTIVEX"
) ;_ end of strcat
) ;_ end of alert
(setq ObjectCreationStyle "ACTIVEX")
) ;_ end of cond
) ;_ end of setq
Remember the specification to allow users to draw the tiles (circles) using either ActiveX, the entmake function, or the command function? The ObjectCreationFunction variable is assigned one of three functions, depending on the ObjectCreationStyle parameter (passed from C:GPath and through gp:Calculate-and-Draw-Tiles). Here are the three functions as they will be defined in gpdraw.lsp:
(defun gp:Create_activeX_Circle (center radius)
(vla-addCircle *ModelSpace*
(vlax-3d-point center) ; convert to ActiveX-compatible 3D point
) ;_ end of defun
(defun gp:Create_entmake_Circle (center radius)
(list (cons 0 "CIRCLE") (cons 10 center) (cons 40 radius))
(vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))
(defun gp:Create_command_Circle (center radius)
(command "_CIRCLE" center radius)
(vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))
The first function draws a circle using an ActiveX function and returns an ActiveX object.
The second function draws a circle using entmake. It returns an entity name converted into an ActiveX object.
The third function draws a circle using command. It also returns an entity name converted into an ActiveX object.