When you ran the gp:getPointInput function, control was automatically passed from VLISP to AutoCAD. You responded to three prompts, after which control was passed back from AutoCAD to VLISP, and a T symbol displayed in the Console window.
Within the program, here's what happens:
- VLISP waits for you to pick the first point.
- When you pick the first point, the program stores the value of your selection (a list containing three coordinate values—an X, Y, and Z value) into the StartPt variable.
- The first if function examines the result to determine whether a valid value was entered or no value was entered. When you pick a start point, control is passed to the next getpoint function.
- When you pick an endpoint, the point value is stored in the Endpt variable.
- The result of this statement is examined by the next if statement, and control is passed to the getdist function.
- The getdist function acts in a similar fashion when you pick a point on the screen or enter a numeric value. The result of the getdist function is stored in the HalfWidth variable.
- Program flow reaches the T nested deeply within the function. No other functions follow this, so the function ends, and the value T is returned. This is the T you see at the Console window.
You need some way to return values from one function to another. One way to do this is to create a list of the values retrieved from gp:getPointInput, as highlighted in the following code:
(defun gp:getPointInput ( / StartPt EndPt HalfWidth )
(if (setq StartPt (getpoint "\nStart point of path: "))
(if (setq EndPt (getpoint StartPt "\nEndpoint of path: "))
(if (setq HalfWidth (getdist EndPt "\nhalf-width of path: "))
(list StartPt EndPt HalfWidth)
Copy this version of gp:getPointInput into the Console window and press ENTER. Here's an opportunity to try another feature of the Console window.
To use the Console window history feature to run gp:getPointInput
- Press TAB.
This invokes the Console history command, cycling through any commands previously entered in the Console window. If you go too far, press SHIFT + TAB to cycle in the other direction.
- When you see (gp:getPointInput) at the Console prompt, press ENTER to execute the function once again.
- Respond to the prompts as before.
The function returns a list containing two nested lists and a real (floating point) value. The return values look like the following:
((4.46207 4.62318 0.0) (7.66688 4.62318 0.0) 0.509124)
These values correspond to the StartPt,EndPt, and HalfWidth variables.