A better way to convey information from one function to another is to pass parameters to the called function. Design the function so it expects to receive a number of values. Remember the Degrees->Radians function? This function is passed a parameter named numberOfDegrees:
(defun Degrees->Radians (numberOfDegrees)
(* pi (/ numberOfDegrees 180.0)))
When you call the function, it expects you to pass it a number. The number within Degrees->Radians is declared as the parameter named numberOfDegrees. For example:
_$ (degrees->radians 90)
In this case, the number 90 is assigned to the parameter numberOfDegrees.
You can also pass a variable to a function. For example, you might have a variable called aDegreeValue that contains the number 90. The following commands set aDegreeValue and pass the variable to Degrees->Radians:
_$ (setq aDegreeValue 90)
_$ (degrees->radians aDegreeValue)