FolderCategory Enumeration

Vista Bridge Library

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Specifies the categories for known folders.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SDK.Samples.VistaBridge.Library.KnownFolders
Assembly:  VistaBridgeLibrary (in VistaBridgeLibrary.dll) Version: (


public enum FolderCategory
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Enumeration FolderCategory
Visual C++
public enum class FolderCategory


Member nameDescription
The folder category is not specified.
The folder is a virtual folder. Virtual folders are not part of the file system. For example, Control Panel and Printers are virtual folders. A number of properties such as folder path and redirection do not apply to this category.
The folder is fixed. Fixed file system folders are not managed by the Shell and are usually given a permanent path when the system is installed. For example, the Windows and Program Files folders are fixed folders. A number of properties such as redirection do not apply to this category.
The folder is a common folder. Common folders are used for sharing data and settings accessible by all users of a system. For example, all users share a common Documents folder as well as their per-user Documents folder.
Each user has their own copy of the folder. Per-user folders are those stored under each user's profile and accessible only by that user.

See Also