BreadcrumbBar Events

Vista Bridge Library

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The BreadcrumbBar type exposes the following members.


ContextMenuClosing (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ContextMenuOpening (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
DataContextChanged (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
DragEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
DragLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
DragOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
Drop (Inherited from UIElement.)
FocusableChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
GiveFeedback (Inherited from UIElement.)
GotFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
GotKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
GotMouseCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
GotStylusCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
Initialized (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
IsEnabledChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsHitTestVisibleChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsKeyboardFocusedChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMouseCapturedChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsStylusCapturedChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsStylusCaptureWithinChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsStylusDirectlyOverChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
IsVisibleChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
Occurs when an item has been selected
KeyDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
KeyUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
LayoutUpdated (Inherited from UIElement.)
Loaded (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
LostFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
LostKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
LostMouseCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
LostStylusCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
MouseDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseLeftButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseLeftButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseRightButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseRightButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
MouseWheel (Inherited from UIElement.)
Occurs when an item is selected and before that item is added to the currently selected hierarchy. This gives the user a chance to update or populate the children of the currently selected item.
PreviewDragEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewDragLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewDragOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewDrop (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewGiveFeedback (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewGotKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewKeyDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewKeyUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewLostKeyboardFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
PreviewMouseDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseRightButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseRightButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewMouseWheel (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewQueryContinueDrag (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusInAirMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusInRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusOutOfRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusSystemGesture (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewStylusUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
PreviewTextInput (Inherited from UIElement.)
QueryContinueDrag (Inherited from UIElement.)
QueryCursor (Inherited from UIElement.)
RequestBringIntoView (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
SizeChanged (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
SourceUpdated (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
StylusButtonDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusButtonUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusInAirMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusInRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusMove (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusOutOfRange (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusSystemGesture (Inherited from UIElement.)
StylusUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
TargetUpdated (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
TextInput (Inherited from UIElement.)
ToolTipClosing (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
ToolTipOpening (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Unloaded (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)

See Also