Vista-style Dialogs Overview

Vista Bridge Library

Vista Bridge Feature: Task and File Dialogs

Assembly: VistaBridgeLibrary

Namepspace: Microsoft.SDK.Samples.VistaBridge.Library


Provides a managed API for the OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog and TaskDialog. This feature is implemented as an extensible object hierarchy. The control-like objects are not actual controls, as they are used as representations of dialog configuration options available in native Vista.

The dialogs support XAML and programmatic development model.

Related Samples

The following sample ships with the Vista Bridge Sample Library:


This feature depends on comctl32.dll version 6. If you receive an error that includes the following text, the incorrect version is being accessed:

"...Certain DLLs (e.g. comctl32.dll) require an application manifest be provided with the executable so the correct version of the DLL is loaded."

To correct this error, ensure the application manifest contains the following:

<description>Dialog demo for Vista Bridge Sample library</description>

Class Diagrams

The following diagram shows the inheritance relationship between the classes used to display the file open and save dialogs.
Dialog Hierarchy

The following diagram shows the inheritance relationship between the classes that implement task and file dialog controls.