IDomainLoader Interface

Tungsten Suite

IDomainLoader Interface

Defines the interface for a DomainLoader

Namespace:  W.Domains
Assembly:  Tungsten.Domains (in Tungsten.Domains.dll) Version: 2.0.0
public interface IDomainLoader

The IDomainLoader type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreate(String)
Instantiates a class and returns a handle to it. This handle must be cast to an interface in order to work across AppDomains.
Public methodCreateTInterfaceType(String)
Instantiates a class and returns a handle to it. This handle must be cast to an interface in order to work across AppDomains.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public methodExecute(String, String, Object)
Instantiates a class and calls a method exposed by it.
Public methodExecuteTResult(String, String, Object)
Instantiates a class and calls a method exposed by it.
Public methodExecuteStaticMethod(String, String, Object)
Executes a static method on the specified type across the AppDomain
Public methodExecuteStaticMethodTResult(String, String, Object)
Executes a static method on the specified type across the AppDomain
Public methodLoad
Loads the dlls into the new AppDomain
Public methodUnload
Unloads the AppDomain and deletes files in the cache folder. The cache folder is where dlls are copied, and run, when using shadow copying.
See Also