W.Threading.Lockers Namespace

Tungsten Suite

W.Threading.Lockers Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:W.Threading.Lockers"]

Public classDisposer

Aids in implementing a clean Dispose method. Supports re-entrancy but only calls the cleanup Action once.

Public classMonitorExtensions
Extensions to object to simplify locking with Monitor
Public classMonitorLocker
Uses Monitor to provide resource locking
Public classMonitorLockerTState
Extends MonitorLocker with an internal state variable
Public classReaderWriterLocker
Uses ReaderWriterLockSlim to provide resource locking
Public classReaderWriterLockerTState
Extends ReaderWriterLocker with an internal state variable
Public classReaderWriterLockSlimExtensions
Extensions to simplify locking with ReaderWriterLockSlim
Public classSemaphoreSlimExtensions
Extensions to simplify locking with SemaphoreSlim
Public classSemaphoreSlimLocker
Uses SemaphoreSlim to provide resource locking
Public classSemaphoreSlimLockerTState
Extends SemaphoreSlimLocker with an internal state variable
Public classSpinLocker
Uses SpinLock to provide resource locking
Public classSpinLockerTState
Extends SpinLocker with an internal state variable
Public classSpinLockExtensions
Extensions to simplify locking with SpinLock
Public classStateLockerTLocker, TState
Extends a locker (SpinLocker, MonitorLocker, ReaderWriterLocker, SemaphoreSlimLocker) with an internal state value
Public interfaceILocker
The required implementation for a locking object
Public interfaceILockerTLocker
The required implementation for a locking object
Public interfaceIReaderWriterStateLockerTState
Interface definition for a ReaderWriterLocker with a State variable
Public interfaceIStateLockerTLocker, TState
The required implementation for a stateful locking object
Public delegateStateAssignmentDelegateTState
Delegate which can be used to assign a new value to the internal state
Public enumerationLockTypeEnum
Used by ReaderWriterLocker to specify the type of lock to obtain