
The Clipper Library


Del.» TPolygon = array of TIntPoint;

C++ » typedef std::vector< IntPoint > Polygon;

C#  » using Polygon = List<IntPoint>;

This structure contains the coordinates of a single polygon contour.

The term 'polygon' is often used by others to refer to a single 'outer' contour together with any number of inner contours or 'holes'. However, in this documentation, polygon is used synonymously with a single polygon contour, irrespective of whether it's an outer or a hole contour.

Multiple polygons (ie outer contours and hole contours) are encapuslated within a Polygons structure.

A Polygon structure can be passed to Clipper objects via the AddPolygon method.

See Also

Example, ClipperBase.AddPolygon, PolyTree, Orientation, IntPoint, Polygons