Setup command line parameters (Spybot - Search & Destroy)


Installer Command line parameters

Here is a list of command line parameters that the Spybot-S&D; installer supports:

  • /sp-Will skip the first page of the installation wizard (Do you wish to continue? ...)
  • /silent
    Will display the progress during installation, but not the wizard.
  • /verysilent
    Even the progress will not be shown. Errors etc. would still be shown.
  • /surpressmsgboxes
    Will use standard actions for message boxes (no overwriting of files, cancelling where the alternative would be retrying...)
  • /log (or /log="filename")
    Creates a log file in the temp folder that contains detailed information about actions taking place during the installation.
  • /nocancel
    Disables the Cancel and Close button. Useful with /silent.
  • /norestart
    Suppress reboots even if they were necessary at the end of the installation.
  • /restartexitcode=N
    If a restart is needed, the setup would return the specified exit code.
  • /loadinf="filename" (and /saveinf="filename")
    Can be used to use a saved setup configuration (or save one).
  • /lang=language
    Overrides the language dialog with a predefined language. Use ISO 2 letter language describers here.
  • /dir="x:\dirname"
    Installs into that directory instead of the default one.
  • /group="folder name"
    Installs into a program group of that name instead of the default one.
  • /noicons
    Avoids creation of any icons for the installed software.
  • /type=typename
    Starts installation with a give type. Supported types are
    • full,
    • blind and
    • compact.
  • /components="comma separated list of component names"
    Installs the given components instead of the default ones. Supported components are
    • main,
    • blind (icons for blind users),
    • language (all language files),
    • skins,
    • updatedl (for downloading updates as part of the installation),
    • updatew95 (to download prerequisites on Windows 95),
    • SDWinSec (to install the Security Center integration on Vista),
    • SDShredder (to install the stand-alone shredder), and
    • SDDelFile (to install the file removal helper).
  • /tasks="comma separated list of tasks"
    Specifies a list of tasks that should be executed. Tasks currently supported are:
    • desktopicon
    • quicklaunchicon
    • launchsdhelper
    • launchteatimer
  • /mergetasks="comma separated list of tasks"
    Same as /tasks, just with the exception that standard tasks are not disabled by default.
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