XML definition

Sappy 2006

Sappy 2006: XML definition

XML definition

Root element SAPPY → one or more ROM elements.
Element ROM → one or more PLAYLIST elements, one optional BLEEDINGEARS element, one optional MIDIMAP element.
Attribute CODE, required.
Attribute NAME, required.
Attribute SONGTABLE, pointer, required.
Attribute SCREENSHOT, file.
Attribute CREATOR.
Attribute TAGGER.
Element PLAYLIST → one or more SONG elements.
Attribute NAME, required.
Attribute STEAL, another CODE.
Element SONG → the song's name.
Attribute TRACK, required.
Element BLEEDINGEARS → one or more INST elements.
Element INST.
Attribute ID, MIDI patch number, or...
Attributes FROM and TO, range of MIDI patch numbers.
Element MIDIMAP → one or more INST elements, one or more DRUM elements.
Element INST.
Attribute FROM, MIDI patch number, required.
Attribute TO, MIDI patch number, required.
Attribute TRANSPOSE.
Attribute SECOND. Not used in this version.
Attribute THIRD. Not used in this version.
Element DRUM.
Attribute FROM, note, required.
Attribute TO, note, required.
Attribute KIT. Not used in this version.