STM324x9I_EVAL BSP User Manual
Variables | |
__IO uint16_t | EEPROMAddress = 0 |
__IO uint32_t | EEPROMTimeout = EEPROM_READ_TIMEOUT |
__IO uint16_t | EEPROMDataRead |
__IO uint8_t | EEPROMDataWrite |
Variable Documentation
__IO uint16_t EEPROMAddress = 0 |
Definition at line 128 of file stm324x9i_eval_eeprom.c.
Referenced by BSP_EEPROM_Init(), BSP_EEPROM_ReadBuffer(), BSP_EEPROM_WaitEepromStandbyState(), and BSP_EEPROM_WritePage().
__IO uint16_t EEPROMDataRead |
Definition at line 130 of file stm324x9i_eval_eeprom.c.
Referenced by BSP_EEPROM_ReadBuffer().
__IO uint8_t EEPROMDataWrite |
Definition at line 131 of file stm324x9i_eval_eeprom.c.
Referenced by BSP_EEPROM_WritePage().
Definition at line 129 of file stm324x9i_eval_eeprom.c.
Generated on Wed Jan 13 2016 15:52:54 for STM324x9I_EVAL BSP User Manual by