
SSharp S# API

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A program in S# script is a sequence of statements. There are three common statement types supported: sequencing, looping and branching.

if ... then ... else

if (Expression) Statement else Statement


For example:

if (x>0) y = y + 1 ; else y = y – 1;
if (x>0) message = 'X is positive';


for …


for (Expression1;Expression2;Expression3) Statement

For example:

for(i=0; i<10; i++) sum = sum + a[i];


while …


while (Expression) Statement

For example:

while (i>0) i = i-1;


foreach ... in …

foreach (Identifier in Expression) Statement


Note: The result of Expression calculation must implement IEnumerable. Expression evaluates only once, before loop starts. For example:

arr=![1,2,3,4,5]; sum = 0;
foreach(i in arr ) sum = sum + i;




switch (Expression)
   case expr1: Statement
   default: Statement

For example:


switch (i)
   case : MessageBox.Show('Hello!');
   case : MessageBox.Show('?');
   default: MessageBox.Show('No way');



using ( object or type )
    . . .

Example 1:

using (Math)
  return Pow(2,10);

Example 2:

a = new List< |int|>();

return a[0];


break, continue

This has usual meaning and can be used only inside a loop.


Used only inside function calls.


See also: