The syntax of expressions is very standard, examples are:
X = (y+4)*2;
Y = a[5] + 8;
Z = Math.Sqrt(256);
P = new System.Drawing.Point(3,4);
'this is string' is string
Expressions can be concatenated using the following operators:
+, -, *, / ,%, ! , | , & , != , > , < , is
Code expression <! program code !> compiles a given code as S# function:
a = <! c++; b+=3; return 2; !>;
f = a();
Test.AreEqual(2, f);
Test.AreEqual(3, c);
Test.AreEqual(8, b);
a = <! return a+b; !>;
Test.AreEqual(19, a([a->9, b->10]));
There is also special operator new for creating instances of imported types:
b = new TypeName(constructor arguments);