
SSharp S# API

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Function can be created at run-time and added into execution scope by compiling a string containing its definition. Aside this, there are few other possibilities to introduce functions to script. Function could be native - compiled from source, or external - is .NET object implementing IInvokable interface.

Simple Definition


function NAME (id1, id2, ... , idn)


With references to global variables


function NAME (id1id2, ... , idnglobal(id1,...,idk)


For example:

y = 100;
function f() global(y)
y = y - 1;

After executing this script the variable y will have its value 99.


With contracts

function (id1, id2, ... , idn)


By function expression (this is usually called anonymous function)


NAME = function (id1id2, ... , idn) { Statement };

For example:

  helloFunction = function (name) { return string.Format("Hello {0}!", name);};


All examples of syntactic function definitions are equal to the function expression. In fact when function a() {...} is written it actually executes as following assignment statement:

a = function () {};

By default after compilation all function expressions will be executed, so corresponding variables will appear in script scope. This is done by FunctionDeclarationVisitor post processing available in the library.

Note: The functional expression:


function (params) { body };

evaluates to an IInvokable object. During the execution of the function a local scope (Contract Scope) is created and all variables created within this scope will be removed at function return;

Example showing various ways of invoking function:

function fac(n){
  if (n==1) return 1;
  else return n*fac(n-1);
rez = fac(5);

//pointer to a function
Func_pointer = fac;
Func_pointer(4); //Call function using pointer

//Anonymous function
aFunction = function(n){
  if (n==1) return 1;
  else return n*aFunction(n-1);

//Call function created as assignment


//Using .NET Method

sin = Math.Sin;

v = sin(0.75);


See also: