Send Email
Sends an email.
ArcGIS Reference
- from
- The from field for the email.
- to
- The to field for the email.
- subject
- The subject for the email.
- text
- The text for the email.
- attachment
- An optional attachment for the email.
- email password
- The password for the from email address.
- smtp
- The smtp server.
- port
- The port number of the smtp server.
Code Reference
- uiEmailMe.mail(email_user, to, subject, text, attach, email_pwd, smtp, port)
Sends an email.
Arguments : - email_user
The from field of the email.
- to
The to field of the email.
- subject
The subject of the email.
- attach optional
An attachment for the email.
- email_pwd
The password for the email account.
- smtp
The smtp server.
- port
The smtp port.