Photon Voice: Photon Voice Doxygen Readme

Photon Voice

Photon Voice  v2.7
Photon Voice Doxygen Readme

Offline Docs

Manual Generation

To manually generate doxygen offline files:

"doxygen .\Docs\doxygen\voice-doxygen-offline.config"

Automatic Generation

Simply run "Docs\generate_offline.bat". Open the file and edit DOXYGEN_PATH accordingly. Also you need a LaTeX distrubution installed and some packages/dependencies.

This script will also copy the offline files to their respective locations and then clean up.



It is not possible to disable HTML files generation. So those are just ignored or cleaned up after generation.


"PhotonVoice-Documentation.chm" should be copied

to "Assets\Photon\PhotonVoice-Documentation.chm"

from "Docs\TempOutputDocs\VOICE_OFFLINE_HTML\PhotonVoice-Documentation.chm".


"PhotonVoice-Documentation.pdf" should be copied

to "Assets\Photon\PhotonVoice-Documentation.pdf"

from "Docs\TempOutputDocs\latex\refman.pdf".

Online Docs

To manually generate doxygen online files:

"doxygen .\Docs\doxygen\voice-doxygen-online.config"

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