pascalSCADA OPM: hsstrings


Unit hsstrings

Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Functions and Procedures


Unit of translation of PascalSCADA.


****************************** History ******************************* *********************************************************************** 07/2013 - New resourcestrings ***********************************************************************



strPortsPallete = 'PascalSCADA Ports';
strProtocolsPallete = 'PascalSCADA Protocols';
strTagsPallete = 'PascalSCADA Tags';
strUtilsPallete = 'PascalSCADA Utils';
strControlsPallete = 'PascalSCADA HCl';
strDatabasePallete = 'PascalSCADA Database';
strUserManagement = 'PascalSCADA User Management';
strFPCPallete = 'PascalSCADA - FreePascal';
strAssistants = 'PascalSCADA - Assistants';
SUpdateThreadWinit = 'The thread does not respond to the INIT command';
SCompIsntADriver = 'The component is not a valid protocol driver';
SthreadSuspended ='The thread is suspended?';
ScannotBlinkWithItSelf = 'The animation zone can''t blink with it self!';
SfileNotFound = 'File not found!';
SPLCMinPLCMaxMustBeDifferent = 'The properties PLCMin and PLCMax must be different!';
SsysMinSysMaxMustBeDifferent = 'The properties SysMin and SysMax must be different!';
SportNumberRangeError = 'The port value must be between 1 and 65535!';
SDBConnectionRequired = 'You must be logged into the database!';
SonlyPLCTagNumber = 'This driver supports only TPLCTagNumber. TPLCBlock and TPLCString aren''t supported!';
STagAlreadyRegiteredWithThisDriver = 'This Tag already linked with this protocol driver!';
SerrorInitializingWinsock = 'Error initializing the WinSock!';
SoutOfBounds = 'Out of bounds!';
SimpossibleToChangeWhenActive = 'Cannot change the communication port properties while it''s active!';
SimpossibleToRemoveWhenBusy = 'Cannot remove the the connection while it''s being used!';
SincrementMustBeGreaterThanZero = 'The increment must be a value greater than zero!';
SinvalidInterface = 'Invalid interface!';
SoutOfMemory = 'Out of memory!';
SinvalidMode = 'Invalid mode!';
SsizeMustBe7or8 = 'The byte size can be 7 or 8 only!';
SmaxMustBeGreaterThanMin = 'The maximum value must be greater than minimum!';
SminMustBeLessThanMax = 'The minimum value must be less than maximum!';
StheValueMustBeDifferentOfValueFalseProperty = 'The value must be different of the ValueFalse property!';
StheValueMustBeDifferentOfValueTrueProperty = 'The value must be different of the ValueTrue property!';
SonlyMySQL_SQLite_PostgresSupported = 'The supported databases are: MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL';
SztBitcomparationValue1MustBeBetween0And31 = 'To use the ztBit selection criteria, the value of Value1 must be greater or equal than 0 and less or equal than 31!';
SserialPortNotExist = 'Serial port does not exists!';
SwithoutDBConnection = 'Without a database connection!';
SonlyNumericTags = 'Only numeric tags are acceptable!';
SuserTableCorrupted = 'Group members table does not exists!';
SgroupsTableNotExist = 'Group table does not exists!';
SusersTableNotExist = 'Users table does not exists!';
StablesCorrupt = 'Database tables corrupted!';
SinvalidTag = 'Invalid Tag!';
SsizeMustBeAtLeastOne = 'The size must be at least 1!';
SstringSizeOutOfBounds = 'String size out of bounds!';
SinvalidType = 'Invalid type!';
SinvalidValue = 'Invalid value!';
SinvalidWinSockVersion = 'Wrong version of the Winsock. Requires version 2.0 or later!';
SFaultGettingLastOSError = 'Error getting the error messege from operating system';
SWithoutTag = 'WITHOUT TAG!';
SEmpty = 'Empty';
SWithoutTagBuilder = 'The protocol driver does not support the Tag Builder tool';
SInvalidTagNameInTagBuilder = 'Invalid name!';
SWithoutAtLeastOneValidName = 'You must have at least on item with a valid name or the option "Count empty" must be checked!';
SInvalidBlockName = 'Invalid block name!';
SCannotDestroyBecauseTagsStillManaged= 'The tag manager cannot be destroyed while it''s in use!';
SCannotRebuildTagID = 'Cannot rebuild the tag identification (TagID).';
SItemOutOfStructure = 'The item size exceeds the area of structure.';
SGetP0 = 'Gets initial position';
SGetP1 = 'Gets final position';
SGotoP0 = 'Controls go to P0 position';
SScanableNotSupported = 'The IScanableTagInterface Interface isn''t supported!';
SCheckAtLeastOneVariable = 'Check at least one variable!';
STheOwnerMustBeAProtocolDriver = 'The component owner of the update thread must be a protocol driver!';
SYouMustHaveAtLeastOneStructureItem = 'You must have at least one structure item!';
SWhyMapBitsFromOtherBits = 'Why to map bits from other bits?';
SStartMustBeLessThanEndIndex = 'Start index must be less or equal than end index';
SDoYouWantDeleteThisItem = 'Do you want to delete this item?';
SDeleteTheItem = 'Delete item "';
SDigitalInputInitialByte = 'Initial byte of digital input';
SDigitalOutputInitialByte = 'Initial byte of digital ouput';
SFlagInitialAddress = 'Initial address of Flags(M)';
SInitialAddressInsideDB = 'Start address inside of DB';
SCounterInitialAddress = 'Initial address of Counter';
STimerInitialAddress = 'Initial address of Timer';
SSMInitialByte = 'Initial address of SM';
SAIWInitialAddress = 'Initial address of AIW';
SAQWInitialAddress = 'Initial address of AQW';
SPIWInitialAddress = 'Initial address of PIW';
SVInitialAddress = 'Initial address of V';
SRemoveaStructItemCalled = 'Remove the structure item called "';
SSecurityControlBusy = 'The security manager is busy.';
SUserManagementIsSet = 'There are already a user management on your application.';
SInvalidUserManager = 'Invalid user manager!';
SDriverRequired = 'You must assign one driver to build tags';
SBlockRequired = 'A block or structure tag is required to map their elements';
SNumberTagRequired = 'A numeric tag is required to build bits';
us7tb_tabsheet1_caption = 'Area and type';
us7tb_plcaddres_caption = 'PLC Address';
us7tb_memoryarea_caption = 'What''s the memory area to be mapped';
us7tb_grptagtype_caption = 'What''s the kind of tag that will be used to represent the selected memory area';
us7tb_optplctagnumber_caption = 'PLCTagNumber (single tags)';
us7tb_optplcblock_caption = 'PLCBlock (grouped tags of the same data type)';
us7tb_optplcstruct_caption = 'PLCStruck (grouped tags of many data types)';
us7tb_lblblocktype_caption = 'Data type:';
us7tb_blockswapbytes_caption = 'Swap bytes';
us7tb_blockswapwords_caption = 'Swap words';
us7tb_blockscan_caption = 'Scan (ms):';
us7tb_structscan_caption = 'Scan (ms):';
us7tb_tabsheet4_caption = 'Item declaration';
us7tb_lblnumitems_caption = 'Number of structures to create';
us7tb_startaddress_caption = 'Initial address';
us7tb_lblblockname_caption = 'Block name';
us7tb_lblDBNumber_caption = 'From DB number';
us7tb_lblDBNumber1_caption = 'to DB';
us7tb_label28_caption = 'Item name';
us7tb_label29_caption = 'Item type';
us7tb_label30_caption = 'SCAN';
us7tb_label31_caption = 'SWAP';
us7tb_label32_caption = 'SKIP';
SInvalidDatabaseName = 'Invalid name!';
STableAlreadyexistsOnMetadata = 'The table already exists on metadata.';
SInvalidQueueOperation = 'Impossible add the queue as a queue item!';
SInvalidOwnerClass = 'The owner must be a object of THMIDBConnection class';
SInvalidClass = 'Invalid class!';
SSecurityCodeBusyWantRemove = 'The Security Code still being used by some controls. Do you want remove the link between the security code and these controls?';
SSecurityCodeStillBusy = 'The SecurityCode still being used by some controls!';
SWinCCAreInstalled = 'WinCC is installed?';
SUseTheWinCCUserManager = 'Use the WinCC Security Manager to insert a new Security Code/Authorization!';
SWCCNotSupportCheckUserAuth = 'This method is not supported by WinCC security Manager';
SLoginCaptionToken = 'Enter a user that can access the "%s" token.';
SAccessDenied = 'Access denied!';
SMBTBStatiomAddress = 'What are the address of your Modbus Device?';
SMBTBTagType = 'What are the tag type you want use in your application?';
SMBTBMemCount = 'How many memories do you want map?';
SMBTBStartFromZero = 'Start the count from zero? (only names)';
SMBTBFirstMemAddress = 'What´s the address of the first memory to map?';
SMBTBTabSheet1 = 'Start from';
SMBTBTabSheet2 = 'Tag type used';
SMBTBTabSheet3 = 'Name struct';
SMBTBCancel = 'Cancel';
SMBTBPrior = 'Prior';
SMBTBNext = 'Next';
SMBTBFinish = 'Finish';
SMBTBLabel2 = 'What´s the tag kind that will be used to map these variables?';
SMBTBSimpleFunctions = 'Use the single write functions';
SMBTBMaxBlockSize = 'What´s the maximum size of the block';
SMBTBScanOfEachBlock = 'Update rate of each block?';
SMBTBNameOfEachBlock = 'Name of each block';
SMBTBMaxStringSize = 'Maximum string size';
SMBTBStringFormat = 'What´s the string format';
SMBTBStringByteSize = 'Whats the byte size of string';
SMBTBLabel1 = 'Tag name';
SMBTBLabel3 = 'Count empty';
SMBTBLabel4 = 'Scan (ms)';
SMBTBLabel5 = 'Zero Fill';
SMBTBLabel6 = 'Qtd. de digitos';
SMBTBLabel7 = 'Scale';
STagIdxMoreSizeExceedStructLen= 'Struct item index more struct item size exceeds the data length of the struct';



strPortsPallete = 'PascalSCADA Ports';

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PALHETAS DE COMPONENTES

COMPONENT PALETTE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

strProtocolsPallete = 'PascalSCADA Protocols';
strTagsPallete = 'PascalSCADA Tags';
strUtilsPallete = 'PascalSCADA Utils';
strControlsPallete = 'PascalSCADA HCl';
strDatabasePallete = 'PascalSCADA Database';
strUserManagement = 'PascalSCADA User Management';
strFPCPallete = 'PascalSCADA - FreePascal';
strAssistants = 'PascalSCADA - Assistants';
SUpdateThreadWinit = 'The thread does not respond to the INIT command';

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Mensagens de exceptions.

Exception messages. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

SCompIsntADriver = 'The component is not a valid protocol driver';


SthreadSuspended ='The thread is suspended?';


ScannotBlinkWithItSelf = 'The animation zone can''t blink with it self!';


SfileNotFound = 'File not found!';


SPLCMinPLCMaxMustBeDifferent = 'The properties PLCMin and PLCMax must be different!';


SsysMinSysMaxMustBeDifferent = 'The properties SysMin and SysMax must be different!';


SportNumberRangeError = 'The port value must be between 1 and 65535!';


SDBConnectionRequired = 'You must be logged into the database!';


SonlyPLCTagNumber = 'This driver supports only TPLCTagNumber. TPLCBlock and TPLCString aren''t supported!';


STagAlreadyRegiteredWithThisDriver = 'This Tag already linked with this protocol driver!';


SerrorInitializingWinsock = 'Error initializing the WinSock!';


SoutOfBounds = 'Out of bounds!';


SimpossibleToChangeWhenActive = 'Cannot change the communication port properties while it''s active!';


SimpossibleToRemoveWhenBusy = 'Cannot remove the the connection while it''s being used!';


SincrementMustBeGreaterThanZero = 'The increment must be a value greater than zero!';


SinvalidInterface = 'Invalid interface!';


SoutOfMemory = 'Out of memory!';


SinvalidMode = 'Invalid mode!';


SsizeMustBe7or8 = 'The byte size can be 7 or 8 only!';


SmaxMustBeGreaterThanMin = 'The maximum value must be greater than minimum!';
SminMustBeLessThanMax = 'The minimum value must be less than maximum!';
StheValueMustBeDifferentOfValueFalseProperty = 'The value must be different of the ValueFalse property!';


StheValueMustBeDifferentOfValueTrueProperty = 'The value must be different of the ValueTrue property!';
SonlyMySQL_SQLite_PostgresSupported = 'The supported databases are: MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL';
SztBitcomparationValue1MustBeBetween0And31 = 'To use the ztBit selection criteria, the value of Value1 must be greater or equal than 0 and less or equal than 31!';


SserialPortNotExist = 'Serial port does not exists!';
SwithoutDBConnection = 'Without a database connection!';
SonlyNumericTags = 'Only numeric tags are acceptable!';
SuserTableCorrupted = 'Group members table does not exists!';
SgroupsTableNotExist = 'Group table does not exists!';
SusersTableNotExist = 'Users table does not exists!';


StablesCorrupt = 'Database tables corrupted!';


SinvalidTag = 'Invalid Tag!';
SsizeMustBeAtLeastOne = 'The size must be at least 1!';
SstringSizeOutOfBounds = 'String size out of bounds!';


SinvalidType = 'Invalid type!';
SinvalidValue = 'Invalid value!';


SinvalidWinSockVersion = 'Wrong version of the Winsock. Requires version 2.0 or later!';
SFaultGettingLastOSError = 'Error getting the error messege from operating system';
SWithoutTag = 'WITHOUT TAG!';
SEmpty = 'Empty';
SWithoutTagBuilder = 'The protocol driver does not support the Tag Builder tool';
SInvalidTagNameInTagBuilder = 'Invalid name!';
SWithoutAtLeastOneValidName = 'You must have at least on item with a valid name or the option "Count empty" must be checked!';
SInvalidBlockName = 'Invalid block name!';
SCannotDestroyBecauseTagsStillManaged= 'The tag manager cannot be destroyed while it''s in use!';
SCannotRebuildTagID = 'Cannot rebuild the tag identification (TagID).';
SItemOutOfStructure = 'The item size exceeds the area of structure.';
SGetP0 = 'Gets initial position';
SGetP1 = 'Gets final position';
SGotoP0 = 'Controls go to P0 position';
SScanableNotSupported = 'The IScanableTagInterface Interface isn''t supported!';
SCheckAtLeastOneVariable = 'Check at least one variable!';
STheOwnerMustBeAProtocolDriver = 'The component owner of the update thread must be a protocol driver!';
SYouMustHaveAtLeastOneStructureItem = 'You must have at least one structure item!';
SWhyMapBitsFromOtherBits = 'Why to map bits from other bits?';
SStartMustBeLessThanEndIndex = 'Start index must be less or equal than end index';
SDoYouWantDeleteThisItem = 'Do you want to delete this item?';
SDeleteTheItem = 'Delete item "';
SDigitalInputInitialByte = 'Initial byte of digital input';
SDigitalOutputInitialByte = 'Initial byte of digital ouput';
SFlagInitialAddress = 'Initial address of Flags(M)';
SInitialAddressInsideDB = 'Start address inside of DB';
SCounterInitialAddress = 'Initial address of Counter';
STimerInitialAddress = 'Initial address of Timer';
SSMInitialByte = 'Initial address of SM';
SAIWInitialAddress = 'Initial address of AIW';
SAQWInitialAddress = 'Initial address of AQW';
SPIWInitialAddress = 'Initial address of PIW';
SVInitialAddress = 'Initial address of V';
SRemoveaStructItemCalled = 'Remove the structure item called "';
SSecurityControlBusy = 'The security manager is busy.';
SUserManagementIsSet = 'There are already a user management on your application.';
SInvalidUserManager = 'Invalid user manager!';
SDriverRequired = 'You must assign one driver to build tags';
SBlockRequired = 'A block or structure tag is required to map their elements';
SNumberTagRequired = 'A numeric tag is required to build bits';
us7tb_tabsheet1_caption = 'Area and type';
us7tb_plcaddres_caption = 'PLC Address';
us7tb_memoryarea_caption = 'What''s the memory area to be mapped';
us7tb_grptagtype_caption = 'What''s the kind of tag that will be used to represent the selected memory area';
us7tb_optplctagnumber_caption = 'PLCTagNumber (single tags)';
us7tb_optplcblock_caption = 'PLCBlock (grouped tags of the same data type)';
us7tb_optplcstruct_caption = 'PLCStruck (grouped tags of many data types)';
us7tb_lblblocktype_caption = 'Data type:';
us7tb_blockswapbytes_caption = 'Swap bytes';
us7tb_blockswapwords_caption = 'Swap words';
us7tb_blockscan_caption = 'Scan (ms):';
us7tb_structscan_caption = 'Scan (ms):';
us7tb_tabsheet4_caption = 'Item declaration';
us7tb_lblnumitems_caption = 'Number of structures to create';
us7tb_startaddress_caption = 'Initial address';
us7tb_lblblockname_caption = 'Block name';
us7tb_lblDBNumber_caption = 'From DB number';
us7tb_lblDBNumber1_caption = 'to DB';
us7tb_label28_caption = 'Item name';
us7tb_label29_caption = 'Item type';
us7tb_label30_caption = 'SCAN';
us7tb_label31_caption = 'SWAP';
us7tb_label32_caption = 'SKIP';
SInvalidDatabaseName = 'Invalid name!';
STableAlreadyexistsOnMetadata = 'The table already exists on metadata.';
SInvalidQueueOperation = 'Impossible add the queue as a queue item!';
SInvalidOwnerClass = 'The owner must be a object of THMIDBConnection class';
SInvalidClass = 'Invalid class!';
SSecurityCodeBusyWantRemove = 'The Security Code still being used by some controls. Do you want remove the link between the security code and these controls?';
SSecurityCodeStillBusy = 'The SecurityCode still being used by some controls!';
SWinCCAreInstalled = 'WinCC is installed?';
SUseTheWinCCUserManager = 'Use the WinCC Security Manager to insert a new Security Code/Authorization!';
SWCCNotSupportCheckUserAuth = 'This method is not supported by WinCC security Manager';
SLoginCaptionToken = 'Enter a user that can access the "%s" token.';
SAccessDenied = 'Access denied!';
SMBTBStatiomAddress = 'What are the address of your Modbus Device?';
SMBTBTagType = 'What are the tag type you want use in your application?';
SMBTBMemCount = 'How many memories do you want map?';
SMBTBStartFromZero = 'Start the count from zero? (only names)';
SMBTBFirstMemAddress = 'What´s the address of the first memory to map?';
SMBTBTabSheet1 = 'Start from';
SMBTBTabSheet2 = 'Tag type used';
SMBTBTabSheet3 = 'Name struct';
SMBTBCancel = 'Cancel';
SMBTBPrior = 'Prior';
SMBTBNext = 'Next';
SMBTBFinish = 'Finish';
SMBTBLabel2 = 'What´s the tag kind that will be used to map these variables?';
SMBTBSimpleFunctions = 'Use the single write functions';
SMBTBMaxBlockSize = 'What´s the maximum size of the block';
SMBTBScanOfEachBlock = 'Update rate of each block?';
SMBTBNameOfEachBlock = 'Name of each block';
SMBTBMaxStringSize = 'Maximum string size';
SMBTBStringFormat = 'What´s the string format';
SMBTBStringByteSize = 'Whats the byte size of string';
SMBTBLabel1 = 'Tag name';
SMBTBLabel3 = 'Count empty';
SMBTBLabel4 = 'Scan (ms)';
SMBTBLabel5 = 'Zero Fill';
SMBTBLabel6 = 'Qtd. de digitos';
SMBTBLabel7 = 'Scale';
STagIdxMoreSizeExceedStructLen= 'Struct item index more struct item size exceeds the data length of the struct';


Generated by PasDoc 0.14.0.