pascalSCADA OPM: MelsecDriver


Unit MelsecDriver


As vari�veis poss�veis de serem utilizadas no CLP mitsubishi com protocolo "MC Protocol" para series Q/L s�o as seguintes: Mem�rias outputs: M, SM, L, F, V, X, Y, B Mem�rias registros: D, SD Tabela para setar as propriedades MemReadFunction, MemWriteFunction e MemAddress

The possible variables to be used in the PLC protocol by Mitsubishi " MC Protocol" for series Q/L are the following Memories outputs: M, SM, L, F, V, X, Y, B Memories records: D, SD Table to set MemReadFunction, MemWriteFunction and MemAddress

Variavel/variables | MemReadFunction | MemWriteFunction | MemAddress M | 1 | 1 | valor/value internal relay SM | 2 | 2 | valor/value Special relay L | 3 | 3 | valor/value Latch relay F | 4 | 4 | valor/value Annunciator V | 5 | 5 | valor/value Edge relay X | 6 | 6 | valor/value Input Y | 7 | 7 | valor/value Output B | 8 | 8 | valor/value Link relay D | 9 | 9 | valor/value Data register SD | 16 | 16 | valor/value Special register


Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Record TMelsecPLC  
Class TMelsecDriver  

Functions and Procedures

procedure SetTagBuilderToolForMelsecProtocolFamily(TagBuilderTool:TOpenTagEditor);


TSeriesCLP = (...);


Functions and Procedures

procedure SetTagBuilderToolForMelsecProtocolFamily(TagBuilderTool:TOpenTagEditor);


TSeriesCLP = (...);
  • Serie_Q_L
  • Serie_IQR

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