Unit fpsdbconst
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Functions and Procedures
This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Michael Van Canneyt, member of the Free Pascal development team
Constants used for displaying messages in DB units
See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
SActiveDataset = 'Operation cannot be performed on an active dataset'; |
SBadParamFieldType = 'Bad fieldtype for parameter "%s".'; |
SCantSetAutoIncFields = 'AutoInc Fields are read-only'; |
SConnected = 'Operation cannot be performed on an connected database'; |
SDatasetReadOnly = 'Dataset is read-only.'; |
SDatasetRegistered = 'Dataset already registered : "%s"'; |
SDuplicateFieldName = 'Duplicate fieldname : "%s"'; |
SErrAssTransaction = 'Cannot assign transaction while old transaction active!'; |
SErrColumnNotFound = 'Column "%s" not found.'; |
SErrDatabasenAssigned = 'Database not assigned!'; |
SErrNoDatabaseAvailable = 'Invalid operation: Not attached to database'; |
SErrNoDatabaseName = 'Database connect string (DatabaseName) not filled in!'; |
SErrNoSelectStatement = 'Cannot open a non-select statement'; |
SErrNoStatement = 'SQL statement not set'; |
SErrTransAlreadyActive = 'Transaction already active'; |
SErrTransactionnSet = 'Transaction not set'; |
SErrIndexResultTooLong = 'Index result for "%s" too long, >100 characters (%d).'; |
SErrIndexBasedOnInvField = 'Field "%s" has an invalid field type (%s) to base index on.'; |
SErrIndexBasedOnUnkField = 'Index based on unknown field "%s".'; |
SErrConnTransactionnSet = 'Transaction of connection not set'; |
SErrNotASQLConnection = '"%s" is not a TSQLConnection'; |
SErrNotASQLQuery = '"%s" is not a TCustomSQLQuery'; |
STransNotActive = 'Operation cannot be performed on an inactive transaction'; |
STransActive = 'Operation cannot be performed on an active transaction'; |
SFieldNotFound = 'Field not found : "%s"'; |
SInactiveDataset = 'Operation cannot be performed on an inactive dataset'; |
SInvalidDisplayValues = '"%s" are not valid boolean displayvalues'; |
SInvalidFieldKind = '%s : invalid field kind : '; |
SInvalidBookmark = 'Invalid bookmark'; |
SInvalidFieldSize = 'Invalid field size : %d'; |
SInvalidTypeConversion = 'Invalid type conversion to %s in field %s'; |
SNeedField = 'Field %s is required, but not supplied.'; |
SNeedFieldName = 'Field needs a name'; |
SNoDataset = 'No dataset asssigned for field : "%s"'; |
SNoDatasetRegistered = 'No such dataset registered : "%s"'; |
SNoDatasets = 'No datasets are attached to the database'; |
SNoSuchRecord = 'Could not find the requested record.'; |
SNoTransactionRegistered = 'No such transaction registered : "%s"'; |
SNoTransactions = 'No transactions are attached to the database'; |
SNotABoolean = '"%s" is not a valid boolean'; |
SNotAFloat = '"%s" is not a valid float'; |
SNotAnLongInt = '"%s" is not a valid LongInt'; |
SNotConnected = 'Operation cannot be performed on an disconnected database'; |
SNotEditing = 'Operation not allowed, dataset "%s" is not in an edit or insert state.'; |
SParameterNotFound = 'Parameter "%s" not found'; |
SRangeError = '%f is not between %f and %f for %s'; |
SReadOnlyField = 'Field %s cannot be modified, it is read-only.'; |
STransactionRegistered = 'Transaction already registered : "%s"'; |
SUniDirectional = 'Operation cannot be performed on an unidirectional dataset'; |
SUnknownField = 'No field named "%s" was found in dataset "%s"'; |
SUnknownFieldType = 'Unknown field type : %s'; |
SUnknownParamFieldType = 'Unknown fieldtype for parameter "%s".'; |
SMetadataUnavailable = 'The metadata is not available for this type of database.'; |
SDeletedRecord = 'The record is deleted.'; |
SIndexNotFound = 'Index ''%s'' not found'; |
SParameterCountIncorrect = 'The number of parameters is incorrect.'; |
SUnsupportedParameter = 'Parameters of the type ''%s'' are not (yet) supported.'; |
SFieldValueError = 'Invalid value for field ''%s'''; |
SInvalidCalcType = 'Field ''%s'' cannot be a calculated or lookup field'; |
SDuplicateName = 'Duplicate name ''%s'' in %s'; |
SNoParseSQL = '%s is only possible if ParseSQL is True'; |
SLookupInfoError = 'Lookup information for field ''%s'' is incomplete'; |
SUnsupportedFieldType = 'Fieldtype %s is not supported'; |
SInvPacketRecordsValue = 'PacketRecords has to be larger then 0'; |
SInvalidSearchFieldType = 'Searching in fields of type %s is not supported'; |
SDatasetEmpty = 'The dataset is empty'; |
SFieldIsNull = 'The field is null'; |
SOnUpdateError = 'An error occured while applying the updates in a record: %s'; |
SApplyRecNotSupported = 'Applying updates is not supported by this TDataset descendent'; |
SNoWhereFields = 'No %s query specified and failed to generate one. (No fields for inclusion in where statement found)'; |
SNoUpdateFields = 'No %s query specified and failed to generate one. (No fields found for insert- or update-statement found)'; |
SNotSupported = 'Operation is not supported by this type of database'; |
SDBCreateDropFailed = 'Creation or dropping of database failed'; |
SMaxIndexes = 'The maximum amount of indexes is reached'; |
SMinIndexes = 'The minimum amount of indexes is 1'; |
STooManyFields = 'More fields specified then really exist'; |
SFieldIndexError = 'Field index out of range'; |
SIndexFieldMissing = 'Cannot access index field ''%s'''; |
SNoFieldIndexes = 'No index currently active'; |
SNotIndexField = 'Field ''%s'' is not indexed and cannot be modified'; |
SErrUnknownConnectorType = 'Unknown connector type'; |
SNoIndexFieldNameGiven = 'There are no fields selected to base the index on'; |
SStreamNotRecognised = 'The data-stream format is not recognized'; |
SNoReaderClassRegistered = 'There is no TDatapacketReaderClass registered for this kind of data-stream'; |
SErrCircularDataSourceReferenceNotAllowed = 'Circular datasource references are not allowed.'; |
SCommitting = 'Committing transaction'; |
SRollingBack = 'Rolling back transaction'; |
SCommitRetaining = 'Commit and retaining transaction'; |
SRollBackRetaining = 'Rollback and retaining transaction'; |
SErrNoFieldsDefined = 'Can not create a dataset when there are no fielddefinitions or fields defined'; |
SErrApplyUpdBeforeRefresh= 'Must apply updates before refreshing data'; |
SErrNoDataset = 'Missing (compatible) underlying dataset, can not open'; |
SActiveDataset = 'Operation cannot be performed on an active dataset'; |
SBadParamFieldType = 'Bad fieldtype for parameter "%s".'; |
SCantSetAutoIncFields = 'AutoInc Fields are read-only'; |
SConnected = 'Operation cannot be performed on an connected database'; |
SDatasetReadOnly = 'Dataset is read-only.'; |
SDatasetRegistered = 'Dataset already registered : "%s"'; |
SDuplicateFieldName = 'Duplicate fieldname : "%s"'; |
SErrAssTransaction = 'Cannot assign transaction while old transaction active!'; |
SErrColumnNotFound = 'Column "%s" not found.'; |
SErrDatabasenAssigned = 'Database not assigned!'; |
SErrNoDatabaseAvailable = 'Invalid operation: Not attached to database'; |
SErrNoDatabaseName = 'Database connect string (DatabaseName) not filled in!'; |
SErrNoSelectStatement = 'Cannot open a non-select statement'; |
SErrNoStatement = 'SQL statement not set'; |
SErrTransAlreadyActive = 'Transaction already active'; |
SErrTransactionnSet = 'Transaction not set'; |
SErrIndexResultTooLong = 'Index result for "%s" too long, >100 characters (%d).'; |
SErrIndexBasedOnInvField = 'Field "%s" has an invalid field type (%s) to base index on.'; |
SErrIndexBasedOnUnkField = 'Index based on unknown field "%s".'; |
SErrConnTransactionnSet = 'Transaction of connection not set'; |
SErrNotASQLConnection = '"%s" is not a TSQLConnection'; |
SErrNotASQLQuery = '"%s" is not a TCustomSQLQuery'; |
STransNotActive = 'Operation cannot be performed on an inactive transaction'; |
STransActive = 'Operation cannot be performed on an active transaction'; |
SFieldNotFound = 'Field not found : "%s"'; |
SInactiveDataset = 'Operation cannot be performed on an inactive dataset'; |
SInvalidDisplayValues = '"%s" are not valid boolean displayvalues'; |
SInvalidFieldKind = '%s : invalid field kind : '; |
SInvalidBookmark = 'Invalid bookmark'; |
SInvalidFieldSize = 'Invalid field size : %d'; |
SInvalidTypeConversion = 'Invalid type conversion to %s in field %s'; |
SNeedField = 'Field %s is required, but not supplied.'; |
SNeedFieldName = 'Field needs a name'; |
SNoDataset = 'No dataset asssigned for field : "%s"'; |
SNoDatasetRegistered = 'No such dataset registered : "%s"'; |
SNoDatasets = 'No datasets are attached to the database'; |
SNoSuchRecord = 'Could not find the requested record.'; |
SNoTransactionRegistered = 'No such transaction registered : "%s"'; |
SNoTransactions = 'No transactions are attached to the database'; |
SNotABoolean = '"%s" is not a valid boolean'; |
SNotAFloat = '"%s" is not a valid float'; |
SNotAnLongInt = '"%s" is not a valid LongInt'; |
SNotConnected = 'Operation cannot be performed on an disconnected database'; |
SNotEditing = 'Operation not allowed, dataset "%s" is not in an edit or insert state.'; |
SParameterNotFound = 'Parameter "%s" not found'; |
SRangeError = '%f is not between %f and %f for %s'; |
SReadOnlyField = 'Field %s cannot be modified, it is read-only.'; |
STransactionRegistered = 'Transaction already registered : "%s"'; |
SUniDirectional = 'Operation cannot be performed on an unidirectional dataset'; |
SUnknownField = 'No field named "%s" was found in dataset "%s"'; |
SUnknownFieldType = 'Unknown field type : %s'; |
SUnknownParamFieldType = 'Unknown fieldtype for parameter "%s".'; |
SMetadataUnavailable = 'The metadata is not available for this type of database.'; |
SDeletedRecord = 'The record is deleted.'; |
SIndexNotFound = 'Index ''%s'' not found'; |
SParameterCountIncorrect = 'The number of parameters is incorrect.'; |
SUnsupportedParameter = 'Parameters of the type ''%s'' are not (yet) supported.'; |
SFieldValueError = 'Invalid value for field ''%s'''; |
SInvalidCalcType = 'Field ''%s'' cannot be a calculated or lookup field'; |
SDuplicateName = 'Duplicate name ''%s'' in %s'; |
SNoParseSQL = '%s is only possible if ParseSQL is True'; |
SLookupInfoError = 'Lookup information for field ''%s'' is incomplete'; |
SUnsupportedFieldType = 'Fieldtype %s is not supported'; |
SInvPacketRecordsValue = 'PacketRecords has to be larger then 0'; |
SInvalidSearchFieldType = 'Searching in fields of type %s is not supported'; |
SDatasetEmpty = 'The dataset is empty'; |
SFieldIsNull = 'The field is null'; |
SOnUpdateError = 'An error occured while applying the updates in a record: %s'; |
SApplyRecNotSupported = 'Applying updates is not supported by this TDataset descendent'; |
SNoWhereFields = 'No %s query specified and failed to generate one. (No fields for inclusion in where statement found)'; |
SNoUpdateFields = 'No %s query specified and failed to generate one. (No fields found for insert- or update-statement found)'; |
SNotSupported = 'Operation is not supported by this type of database'; |
SDBCreateDropFailed = 'Creation or dropping of database failed'; |
SMaxIndexes = 'The maximum amount of indexes is reached'; |
SMinIndexes = 'The minimum amount of indexes is 1'; |
STooManyFields = 'More fields specified then really exist'; |
SFieldIndexError = 'Field index out of range'; |
These are added for Delphi-compatilility, but not used by the fcl: |
SIndexFieldMissing = 'Cannot access index field ''%s'''; |
SNoFieldIndexes = 'No index currently active'; |
SNotIndexField = 'Field ''%s'' is not indexed and cannot be modified'; |
SErrUnknownConnectorType = 'Unknown connector type'; |
SNoIndexFieldNameGiven = 'There are no fields selected to base the index on'; |
SStreamNotRecognised = 'The data-stream format is not recognized'; |
SNoReaderClassRegistered = 'There is no TDatapacketReaderClass registered for this kind of data-stream'; |
SErrCircularDataSourceReferenceNotAllowed = 'Circular datasource references are not allowed.'; |
SCommitting = 'Committing transaction'; |
SRollingBack = 'Rolling back transaction'; |
SCommitRetaining = 'Commit and retaining transaction'; |
SRollBackRetaining = 'Rollback and retaining transaction'; |
SErrNoFieldsDefined = 'Can not create a dataset when there are no fielddefinitions or fields defined'; |
SErrApplyUpdBeforeRefresh= 'Must apply updates before refreshing data'; |
SErrNoDataset = 'Missing (compatible) underlying dataset, can not open'; |
Generated by PasDoc 0.14.0.