TPNGImage help

PNG Delphi

Installing the component for C++ Builder

If anyone has created C++ Builder packages for Png Delphi and wants to share them, please send me and I will include in the next versions.

The component also can be installed on Borland C++ Builder. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. First of all, copy (unzip) all the files to any directory. The obj sub-directory is necessary to install the component.
  2. Run a Borland C++ Builder instance
  3. Select the menu File and then the item New.
  4. Item the new dialog, choose the Package item (as shown bellow) and press the OK button.

  1. In the new package item, press the Add button on the Toolbar
  2. Now press the Browse button located in the first tab, Add Unit. As shown bellow:

  1. You will choose now the files to add the package. To do so:
    1. Choose the filter Pascal Unit (*.pas)
    2. Browse for the folder where the Png Delphi files are located
    3. Select the files PngImage.Pas, PngLang.Pas, PngZlib.Pas, PngExtra.Pas ()
      (multiple select by clicking using the CTRL key pressed)
    4. Press open
  2. Press Ok to close the Add window
  3. Back to C++ Builder window, choose the File menu, and the item Save As...
    Save the file using any name (ex: pngbuilder.dpk), a good idea is to save in the
    same folder as Png Delphi files.
  4. Press the install button on the Package window to install the component as shown


Also, adding the unit to the search path is a good idea

  1. This time, go to the "Tools" menu and select the item "Enviroment Options".
  2. Click on the "Library" page.
  3. On the field "Library path" add a ";" followed by the unit directory. For instance ";c:\png".
  4. Click on the ok button.