Working with Exchanges & ECNs
This tool allows adding/removing Exchanges/ECNs and editing their parameters. The Exchanges/ECNs parameters are inherited by the symbols, so the better are the Exchanges/ECNs tuned in, the higher will be the overall quality of the system performance. Sometimes the Exchange/ECN settings aren't the same for all the symbols traded on a given Exchange/ECN. So the user is able to edit settings on a symbol-by-symbol basis, although in the majority of cases the Exchange/ECN settings are exactly the same as the individual symbol settings.2. Click Add.
3. Enter the Exchange/ECN name. This name must be informative for convenience and consist of the full exchange name, up to 50 characters long. This full name will not be used on the Symbol list and in the symbol settings.
4. Enter the Abbr. This short name, up to 7 characters long will be used for exchange identification, use the standard abbreviations as they will be used for symbol searches.
5. Select the Holiday List. See Holidays section for more information; if you do not want to use the Holiday List, select None.
6. Select a Price Scale corresponding to most symbols traded at the selected Exchange/ECN.
7. Enter the Daily Limit.
8. Enter the Min. Movement.
9. Enter Big Point Value.
10. Add the sessions in the Sessions section. Use the Add/Delete buttons to add or remove them; the sessions must be set in the local time of the corresponding exchange.
11. On the Time Zone tab set the exchange's time zone. This can be done either using From System Options or Custom options. Selecting From System Options will set the OS time zone settings, which is usually correct; you might have to set the time zone and daylight savings settings by using Custom.
2. Click Delete.
1. On the Tools menu, click Exchanges & ECNs.
2. Click Edit.