Built-In Data Sources

OwnData 2

Data Source Price * Real-Time    History    Symbol List Contacts
eSignal $49/month and higher Yes Tick-by-tick 10 days back, minute bars 60 days back, daily bars 10 years back Yes 800.815.8256
Interactive Brokers Free for customers Yes Second, minute or daily bars 6 month back Yes 877.442.2757
Patsystems (J-Trader) Free for customers Yes No Yes 312.922.7600
GlobalServer Price depends on GlobalServer's data source Yes Unlimited Yes 954.652.7100
TradeStation 8.1 $99.95/month and higher Yes Tick-by-tick 30 days back, minute bars 20 years back, daily bars 45 years back Yes 954.652.7940
ASCII Mostly free. Price depends on data source. No Tick-by-tick, 1 minute, daily up to 7Gb file size No Not available
Universal DDE ** Mostly free. Price depends on data source. Yes No No Not available
IQFeed $50/month and higher Yes Tick-by-tick 8 days back, minute bars 120 days back, 1000 daily bars, 500 weekly bars Yes 402.255.8787
MarketCast N/A Yes No Yes 300.132.999
Tenfore N/A Yes Yes No +44.20.7422.8777
Free Quotes N/A No Yes No Finance.yahoo.com
MetaStock N/A No Yes Yes 800.508.9180

* Plus applicable exchange fees and taxes. The prices presented in the table are subject to change from time to time. We don't guarantee the accuracy of the presented information.

** More than 20 predefined templates are available: Bloomberg, CAIT s.c., FAINEX, FXCM, GL Trade, Hi Sat, Infobolsa.de (BOVESPA A VISTA), Infobolsa.de (BOVESPA OPEOES COMPRA), Infobolsa.de (EUREX Futures), Infobolsa.de (FUTURES BM&F;), Infobolsa.de (XETRA), IQLINK, MetaTrader, QLink, QuoteSpeed, Reuters, Taipan Realtime, Tradexpert.