NanoXLSX Namespace



NanoXLSX Namespace

NanoXLSX is a library to generate and read XLSX files in an easy and native way
Public classCell
Class representing a cell of a worksheet
Public classCellBasicFormulas
Class for handling of basic Excel formulas
Public classMetadata
Class representing the meta data of a workbook
Public classWorkbook
Class representing a workbook
Public classWorkbookShortener
Class to provide access to the current worksheet with a shortened syntax. Note: The WS object can be null if the workbook was created without a worksheet. The object will be available as soon as the current worksheet is defined
Public classWorksheet
Class representing a worksheet of a workbook
Public classWorksheetColumn
Class representing a column of a worksheet
Public structureCellAddress
Struct representing the cell address as column and row (zero based)
Public structureCellRange
Struct representing a cell range with a start and end address
Public enumerationCellAddressType
Enum for the referencing style of the address
Public enumerationCellCellType
Enum defines the basic data types of a cell
Public enumerationWorksheetCellDirection
Enum to define the direction when using AddNextCell method
Public enumerationWorksheetSheetProtectionValue
Enum to define the possible protection types when protecting a worksheet