Style.Border Class



StyleBorder Class

Class representing a Border entry. The Border entry is used to define frames and cell borders
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  NanoXLSX.StyleAbstractStyle

Namespace:  NanoXLSX.Style
Assembly:  NanoXLSX (in NanoXLSX.dll) Version: (1.2.3)
public class Border : AbstractStyle

The StyleBorder type exposes the following members.

Public methodStyleBorder
Default constructor
Public propertyBottomColor
Gets or sets the color code of the bottom border. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyBottomStyle
Gets or sets the style of bottom cell border
Public propertyDiagonalColor
Gets or sets the color code of the diagonal lines. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyDiagonalDown
Gets or sets whether the downwards diagonal line is used. If true, the line is used
Public propertyDiagonalStyle
Gets or sets the style of the diagonal lines
Public propertyDiagonalUp
Gets or sets whether the upwards diagonal line is used. If true, the line is used
Public propertyHash
Gets the unique hash of the object
(Inherited from AbstractStyle.)
Public propertyInternalID
Gets or sets the internal ID for sorting purpose in the Excel style document (nullable)
(Inherited from AbstractStyle.)
Public propertyLeftColor
Gets or sets the color code of the left border. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyLeftStyle
Gets or sets the style of left cell border
Public propertyRightColor
Gets or sets the color code of the right border. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyRightStyle
Gets or sets the style of right cell border
Public propertyTopColor
Gets or sets the color code of the top border. The value is expressed as hex string with the format AARRGGBB. AA (Alpha) is usually FF
Public propertyTopStyle
Gets or sets the style of top cell border
Public methodCalculateHash
Override method to calculate the hash of this component (internal method)
(Overrides AbstractStyleCalculateHash.)
Public methodCompareTo
Method to compare two objects for sorting purpose
(Inherited from AbstractStyle.)
Public methodCopy
Method to copy the current object to a new one without casting
(Overrides AbstractStyleCopy.)
Public methodCopyBorder
Method to copy the current object to a new one with casting
Protected methodCopyPropertiesT
Internal method to copy altered properties from a source object. The decision whether a property is copied is dependent on a untouched reference object
(Inherited from AbstractStyle.)
Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEquals(AbstractStyle)
Method to compare two objects for sorting purpose
(Inherited from AbstractStyle.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetStyleName
Gets the border style name from the enum
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsEmpty
Method to determine whether the object has no values but the default values (means: is empty and must not be processed)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Override toString method
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
See Also