BasicStyles Properties



BasicStyles Properties

The StyleBasicStyles type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberBold
Gets the bold style
Public propertyStatic memberBoldItalic
Gets the bold and italic style
Public propertyStatic memberBorderFrame
Gets the border frame style
Public propertyStatic memberBorderFrameHeader
Gets the border style for header cells
Public propertyStatic memberDateFormat
Gets the date format style
Public propertyStatic memberDottedFill_0_125
Gets the special pattern fill style (for compatibility)
Public propertyStatic memberDoubleUnderline
Gets the double underline style
Public propertyStatic memberItalic
Gets the italic style
Public propertyStatic memberMergeCellStyle
Gets the style used when merging cells
Public propertyStatic memberRoundFormat
Gets the round format style
Public propertyStatic memberStrike
Gets the strike style
Public propertyStatic memberUnderline
Gets the underline style
See Also