Performing a histogram

NI Vision Builder AI Vision Assistant

Performing a histogram

  1. Click Image»Histogram or select Histogram in the Image tab of the Processing Functions palette. Vision Assistant displays the histogram for the entire image.
  2. If you want to perform a histogram for a portion of the image, select an ROI tool and draw an ROI on the image. The histogram displays data for the currently selected region.
  3. Click OK to exit the Parameter window.
Note  The Histogram function analyzes the image and displays information for you to review. This function does not modify the image.
  • To display the histogram for the entire image after you selected an ROI or to delete the selected ROI, click the image or press the <Delete> key.
  • If you want to save the histogram data, click the Send Data to Excel button or the Save Results button.

Related Topics

Histogram (Image»Histogram)

Selecting a region of interest (ROI)