Tools Palette

NI Vision Assistant

Tools Palette

The tools palette is located at the top of the Processing window of Vision Assistant. You can use the tools palette to perform several functions, as described in the following list.

Print Image
Display image at 2:1 ratio and enlarge image further each time you click on the tool
Display image at 1:2 ratio and reduce image further each time you click on the tool
Return image to 100% view
Launch Vision Assistant online help
Display the color palette for the current image. You can change the palette to one of five predefined image palettes to show details not perceived with the current palette. Changing the palette here does not change the content of the image.
  • Gray Levels—Gradual grayscale variation from black to white. Each value is assigned an equal amount of the RGB intensities.
  • Binary—16 cycles of 16 different colors, where g is the grayscale value and g = 0 corresponds to R = 0, G = 0, B = 0 (black); g = 1 corresponds to R = 1, G = 0, B = 0 (red); g = 2 corresponds to R = 0, G = 1, B = 0 (green); and so on.
  • Gradient—Gradation from red to white with a prominent range of light blue in the upper range. 0 is black and 255 is white.
  • Rainbow—Gradation from blue to red with a prominent range of greens in the middle value range. 0 is black and 255 is white.
  • Temperature—Gradation from light brown to dark brown. 0 is black and 255 is white.
Point tool—Click to select a point in an image.
Line tool—Click and drag to select pixels along that line.
Broken Line tool—Click and drag repeatedly to select a region. Double-click when you select the final point of the broken line to release the ROI tool.
Rectangle ROI tool—Click and drag to select a rectangular region. Hold down the <Shift> key while you click and drag to constrain the region to a square.
Rotated Rectangle ROI tool—Click and drag to select a rectangular region. Hold down the <Shift> key while you click and drag to contain the region to a square, and then click the lines inside the rectangle and drag to adjust the rotation angle.
Oval ROI tool—Click and drag to select an oval region. Hold down the <Shift> key while you click and drag to constrain the region to a circle.
Annulus ROI tool—Click the center position and drag to the size you want. Adjust the inner and outer radii and the start and end angles.
Polygon ROI tool—Click and drag repeatedly to select a polygon region. Double-click to complete the polygon.
Freehand ROI tool—Click and drag to select a region of the image. To select a region with this tool, verify that the ending point lies on the starting point to enclose a region.
Magic Wand tool—Create an image mask by extracting a region surrounding a reference pixel, called the origin, and using a tolerance (+ or –) of intensity variations based on this reference pixel. Using this origin, the Magic Wand Tool searches for its neighbors with an intensity equal to or falling within the tolerance value of the point of reference.
Tolerance—Set the maximum allowable deviation from the origin. All pixels satisfying the tolerance criteria (origin pixel – tolerance / origin pixel + tolerance) become part of the region.