Conversion (Grayscale»Conversion)

NI Vision Assistant

Conversion (Grayscale»Conversion)

Converts the current image to the specified image type.

  • From—Image type for the current image.
  • To—Image type that you want to convert the current image to. Valid values include 8-bit, 16-bit, and float.
  • Method—Conversion method used to convert the image to a smaller data type.
    Adjust dynamic Adjusts the dynamic of the image so that the lowest intensity in the image corresponds to the smallest value available in the new image type and the highest value corresponds to the highest value available in the new image data type. All pixel intensities within those limits are distributed linearly.
    Note  The Adjust dynamic function is not always available.
    Shift # Available only for 16-bit to 8-bit conversion. Performs Shift # to the 16-bit image prior to converting it to an 8-bit data type. The value of Shift # depends on the dynamic of the image. For example, if you acquired the image with a 12-bit camera and you want to convert it to an 8-bit image, keep the most significant bits. To keep the most significant bits in this case, perform 4 (12–8) shifts to retrieve the 8 most significant bits of the image.
    Cast Casts the values too large to be represented in the new data type to the largest value available and values too small to the smallest value available.

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