Model Validation

NI System Identification

Model Validation

Performs k-step-ahead prediction on a system model.

Response SignalsDisplays the response signals of the system.
Error SignalDisplays the error signal of the system.
MSEReturns the mean square error between the Response Signal and the predicted signal.
Input SignalsContains the following options:
  • Model—Specifies the estimated model to use for validation.
  • Stimulus Signal—Specifies the stimulus input to apply to the model.
  • Response Signal—Specifies the output response from the model.
SettingsContains the following option:
  • Prediction Step—Determines the number of samples the model uses to estimate the response without any correction. The prediction correction is based on the actual response of the system. You cannot enter a value less than or equal to zero for Prediction Step. The default is 1.